Dorothea Primrose Campbell

Standard Name: Campbell, Dorothea Primrose
Birth Name: Dorothea Primrose Campbell
Used Form: D. P. Campbell
DPC , a Shetlander who wrote and published during the early nineteenth century, is remarkable both as poet and novelist. She had poems and short fiction printed in London periodicals, and she deserves to be considered not as a regional but as a national novelist.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Anne Bannerman
After her death AB was quickly forgotten. Yet literary historian Stuart Curran has recently noted the influence of her poetry on Dorothea Primrose Campbell . Critic Adriana Craciun , writing for the website Scottish Women...
Literary Setting Catherine Gore
The title-page quotes and very slightly alters four lines from Pope beginning What gay ideas crowd the vacant brain,
Gore, Catherine. Mothers and Daughters. Bentley.
but whereas Pope's imaginary Teresa Blount was daydreaming idly and innocently of the dukes and...
Textual Features Christian Isobel Johnstone
CIJ describes traditional Highland women's occupations such as waulking, or the manufacture of flax cloth. Throughout the novel she introduces, explains, and footnotes Gaelic customs (as Dorothea Primrose Campbell does Zetland ones). She also...
Textual Production Christian Milne
CM 's Simple Poems, on Simple Subjects was published under her (married) name at Aberdeen, by subscription (she celebrated her subscribers in a poem on 20 May) and dedicated to the Duchess of Gordon
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Sarah Josepha Hale
SJH does in the main a fine job in her coverage of British women writers, having something to say even about the extremely obscure. Dorothea Primrose Campbell , for instance (who was living in poverty...


2 July 1798: The conservative Lady's Monthly Museum: or...

Writing climate item

2 July 1798

The conservative Lady's Monthly Museum: or polite repository of amusement and instruction published its first number. Sometimes called The Ladies' Monthly Museum . . . it ran until the 1830s.

1813: The Shetland poet Margaret Chalmers (born...

Women writers item


The Shetland poetMargaret Chalmers (born at Lerwick in 1858 and left in poverty with her sisters and aged mother after the death of their brother William at the battle of Trafalgar) published her Poems...


Campbell, Dorothea Primrose. Harley Radington. A. K. Newman, 1821.
Campbell, Dorothea Primrose. Poems. J. Young, 1811.
Campbell, Dorothea Primrose. Poems. Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, 1816.