Margaret Chalmers

Standard Name: Chalmers, Margaret


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Friends, Associates Dorothea Primrose Campbell
James Copland of Orkney, who went to school at Lerwick and became a physician in Africa and a medical writer, was probably an early friend of DPC . She may well have got to...
Intertextuality and Influence Dorothea Primrose Campbell
DPC was one of those claiming serious status for the novel by literary allusion. She uses Horace on her title-page, Pope to head the whole novel, and for chapter-headings Chaucer , Shakespeare , Goldsmith ...


1813: The Shetland poet Margaret Chalmers (born...

Women writers item


The Shetland poetMargaret Chalmers (born at Lerwick in 1858 and left in poverty with her sisters and aged mother after the death of their brother William at the battle of Trafalgar) published her Poems...


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