Sarah Hazlitt

Standard Name: Hazlitt, Sarah
Used Form: Sarah Stoddart


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships William Hazlitt
WH 's marriage to Sarah Stoddart , which took place on 1 May 1808, was marked by a series of infant deaths and stillbirths. The always chaotic relationship ended in divorce in 1823 (to secure...
Friends, Associates Eliza Fenwick
Other more or less radical friends of EF included Thomas Holcroft , Anne Plumptre , Elizabeth Benger , Jane Porter , Henry Crabb Robinson , Charles and Mary Lamb , and their friend Sarah Stoddart
Friends, Associates Mary Lamb
The Lambs also knew well members of related circles, Robert Southey , William Hazlitt , and Thomas De Quincey . In the first year of her new life Mary met William Godwin , Thomas Manning
Textual Production Mary Lamb
In June-July 1806 ML reported to Sarah Stoddart that she was looking for a project to succeed the (still unfinished) Tales. She wanted her friend to set your brains to work and invent a...
Textual Production Mary Lamb
In her earliest extant letter, to Sarah Stoddart , Mary Lamb remarked (quite unfairly to herself): I am always a miserable letter writer, and I feel the want, in writing to a new friend of...
Travel Mary Lamb
Next summer they visited James Burney (brother of Frances) and his family on the Isle of Wight. In 1804 they economised by going no further than Richmond in Surrey. In June 1807 they...


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