Jeanne-Isabelle-Pauline Polier de Bottens baronne de Montolieu

Standard Name: Montolieu, Jeanne-Isabelle-Pauline Polier de Bottens,,, baronne de


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Education Bryher
Her favourite edition, adapted by Isabelle de Montolieu (who had first translated Wyss's German into French in 1814), omitted most of the sermons from the book, and emphasized the adventures.
Bryher,. The Heart to Artemis: A Writer’s Memoirs. Collins, 1963.
This text, along with...
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Austen
This was one of several Austen novels translated into French by Isabelle de Montolieu , who sentimentalised its story and muzzled its social critique. The French version of Frederick Wentworth formally asks the hand of...
Literary responses Georgiana Fullerton
Geraldine Jewsbury , reviewing this novel for the Athenæum, commented that GFalways writes with grace and tenderness, but she is afraid to trust herself to her own gifts. She seems to have a...
Publishing Elizabeth Helme
EH dedicated this to the Marchioness of Abercorn (later a patron of Sydney Morgan ). A review appeared in January 1804. Isabelle de Montolieu made a free translation of this novel into French in 1808...
Publishing Barbara Hofland
BH asked her publisher, John Harris , ten pounds for this book, which was, she said, doing a bold thing.
qtd. in
Butts, Dennis. Mistress of our Tears, A Literary and Bibliographical Study of Barbara Hofland. Scolar Press, 1992.
A new, cheap edition in 1816 (wrongly taken by the original Dictionary of...
Publishing Adelaide O'Keeffe
Though the Quarterly Review announced the novel in April, AOK signed her statement To the Public (written at Chichester in Sussex) in May. She includes in her preliminary pages a list of fictional correspondents...
Textual Production Elizabeth Gunning
Elizabeth Plunkett (formerly Gunning) published Sentimental Anecdotes, translated from the French of Jeanne-Isabelle-Pauline Polier de Bottens, baronne de Montolieu .
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols.
2: 349
Textual Production Elizabeth Meeke
EM issued a translation, Lobenstein Village, said to be from the French of Augustus La Fontaine, but actually from Madame de Montolieu 's loose French rendering of Lafontaine's original German.
British Library Catalogue.
Lafontaine, August Heinrich Julius. Lobenstein Village. Translators Meeke, Elizabeth and Jeanne-Isabelle-Pauline Polier de Bottens, baronne de Montolieu, Lane, Newman, 1804, 4 vols.
The Literary Journal. C. and R. Baldwin.
3 (1804): 487-9
Textual Production Caroline Norton
The full title of this work was A Residence in Sierra Leone. Described from a journal kept on the spot, and from letters written to friends at home; the editor called herself on the...
Textual Production Jane Austen
Publication in late December 1817, together with Northanger Abbey, was followed in 1821 by Isabelle de Montolieu 's French translation as La famille Elliot, which bore Montolieu's name in print double the size...


No timeline events available.


Lafontaine, August Heinrich Julius. Lobenstein Village. Translators Meeke, Elizabeth and Jeanne-Isabelle-Pauline Polier de Bottens, baronne de Montolieu, Lane, Newman, 1804, 4 vols.
Montolieu, Jeanne-Isabelle-Pauline Polier de Bottens, baronne de. Sentimental Anecdotes. Translator Gunning, Elizabeth, C. Chapple, 1811, 2 vols.