She had already by this date, on a visit to London, met Boswell
, the biographer, and found him a stranger biped than any she knew.
MacNaughton, Angus. Burns’ Mrs Riddell. A Biography. Volturna Press.
By this time, too, her political contacts included...
Literary responses
Barbarina Brand, Baroness Dacre
The early translations by Barbarina Wilmot (later BBBD
) received flattering praise from Thomas James Mathias
, at that time, perhaps, the highest authority this country could boast, in Italian literature.
Barbarina Brand, Baroness Dacre,. Translations from the Italian. C. Whittingham.
Textual Features
Barbarina Brand, Baroness Dacre
In a dedication to her grandchildren (unpaginated), BBBD
gives some history of her translations, made at different and distant periods of my life.
Barbarina Brand, Baroness Dacre,. Translations from the Italian. C. Whittingham.
M. G. Lewis
is a more complicated case, treated with some nuance. SG
admires The Monk but feels that after that Lewis's real talent was obscured by the baneful influence of German fiction: she agrees...
Textual Production
Barbarina Brand, Baroness Dacre
The modesty in these prefatory remarks seems to relate only or chiefly to her plays, but the first poems in the collection (versions of Petrarch
) are preceded by a sonnet to Thomas James Mathias