In 1868 Mary Augusta Arnold met Mark Pattison
, Rector of Lincoln College and a prominent Oxford scholar, and his wife, Emily Francis Pattison
, a former art student and connoisseur. Unconventional and bohemian, the...
By 1870 it was at last becoming common for married couples (like the scholar Mark Pattison
and his wife Emelia, or Emily Francis
) to visit GE
and her partner. Publisher Charles Kegan Paul
Friends, Associates
Mary Augusta Ward
Mary Augusta Arnold (later MAW
) met George Eliot
at a Sunday supper given by Mark
and Emily Francis Pattison
Ward, Mary Augusta. A Writer’s Recollections. Harper and Brothers, 1918.
Material Conditions of Writing
Rhoda Broughton
In Belinda, RB
is believed to have drawn extensively from her own early negative experience of the closed world of Oxford
society. It was in particular believed that she caricatured college head Mark Pattison