Emilia Francis Dilke

Standard Name: Dilke, Emilia Francis
Used Form: Lady Dilke
Used Form: Emily Francis Pattison
Used Form: E. F. S. Pattison
Used Form: Francis Pattison


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Mary Augusta Ward
In 1868 Mary Augusta Arnold met Mark Pattison , Rector of Lincoln College and a prominent Oxford scholar, and his wife, Emily Francis Pattison , a former art student and connoisseur. Unconventional and bohemian, the...
Friends, Associates May Laffan
She exchanged letters with both George Augustin Macmillan and Sir George Grove . Her social circle while she was visiting London included a surprisingly large number of literary names. Rhoda Broughton was a friend of...
Friends, Associates George Eliot
By 1870 it was at last becoming common for married couples (like the scholar Mark Pattison and his wife Emelia, or Emily Francis ) to visit GE and her partner. Publisher Charles Kegan Paul and...
Friends, Associates Mary Augusta Ward
Mary Augusta Arnold (later MAW ) met George Eliot at a Sunday supper given by Mark and Emily Francis Pattison .
Ward, Mary Augusta. A Writer’s Recollections. Harper and Brothers, 1918.
Material Conditions of Writing Rhoda Broughton
In Belinda, RB is believed to have drawn extensively from her own early negative experience of the closed world of Oxford society. It was in particular believed that she caricatured college head Mark Pattison
politics Edith J. Simcox
During the illness of her former collaborator Emma Paterson , EJS assumed her roles as acting secretary for the Women's Protective and Provident League and editor of the Women's Union Journal; she, with Lady Dilke


1879: Emily Francis Pattison (later Emilia Dilke)...

Women writers item


Emily Francis Pattison (later Emilia Dilke) published (as E. F. S. Pattison) The Renaissance of Art in France.
Israel, Kali. Names and Stories: Emilia Dilke and Victorian Culture. Oxford University Press, 1999.


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