Cameron, Kenneth Walter, and Lydia Maria Child. “Genesis and Backgrounds of Mrs. Child’s <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl=‘m’>Philothea</span>”;. Philothea, Trancendental Books, pp. 1-4.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Cultural formation | Willa Muir | |
death | Margaret Fuller | The trip, undertaken for financial reasons in addition to the political difficulty of two well-known Republicans remaining in Italy, was ill-starred from the beginning. It was initially delayed for weeks, the captain died soon after... |
Friends, Associates | Louisa May Alcott | LMA
was a friend of, among others, Frances Hodgson Burnett
, Ralph Waldo Emerson
, who helped her family manage their financial difficulties, and Henry David Thoreau
, who taught science to her and her... |
Friends, Associates | Margaret Fuller | MF
's circle of friends and associates included many of the of the pre-eminent thinkers and writers of her day. She maintained a vision of friendship that demanded total loyalty and sought integrity, sensitivity, and... |
Friends, Associates | Mary Howitt | They became close to a young friend met in Rome, Margaret Foley
, a sculptor from New England, who took up summer residence in the same spot. Visitors to their house in Rome included... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Frances Wright | According to scholar Kenneth Walter Cameron
, the influence of this work reached Lydia Maria Child
, and through her to Emerson
and perhaps Thoreau
. Cameron, Kenneth Walter, and Lydia Maria Child. “Genesis and Backgrounds of Mrs. Child’s <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl=‘m’>Philothea</span>”;. Philothea, Trancendental Books, pp. 1-4. 2-3 Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. |
Intertextuality and Influence | Agnes Maule Machar | |
Literary responses | Laura Riding | She considered this book one of the two prime achievements of her writing life. Friedmann, Elizabeth. A Mannered Grace. Persea Books. 17 |
Literary responses | Louisa May Alcott | A recent surge of interest has produced (as well as John Matteson
's and Eve LaPlante
's studies of LAM and her father and her mother) a monograph by Harriet Reisin
, 2009; a study... |
Residence | Margiad Evans | This holiday was perfect, she wrote, from the first moment (though if the money would have stretched she would have liked to get to New England instead, because of her feeling for Thoreau
). Evans, Margiad. The Old and the Young. Seren. 210 |
Wealth and Poverty | Sara Maitland | SM
espouses an anti-materialism influenced by Thoreau
. She has a washing machine and a car, but no television, radio, newspaper subscription, microwave, or central heating. She spent five pouds on clothes during 2003, and... |
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