James Roberts

Standard Name: Roberts, James


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Its banner proclaimed: To be continued as long as the Author thinks fit, and the Publick likes it.
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. Essays and Poems and Simplicity, A Comedy. Editors Halsband, Robert and Isobel Grundy, Oxford University Press.
She saw to the publishing arrangements herself, but covered her tracks by using the trade publisher...
Publishing Mary Leapor
The arrangements for publication had not been entirely smooth sailing. ML was insulted when Freemantle predicted that the book might make her £10.
Rizzo, Betty. “Molly Leapor: An Anxiety for Influence”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin, Vol.
, pp. 313-43.
Freemantle was nevertheless instrumental in persuading her to publish and in...
Publishing Delarivier Manley
She apparently produced a large part of her manuscript in a week, and the rest in a couple of months, having entered into negotiations with Curll in response to his threat that he was already...
Publishing Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Each issue of To the Imitator was priced at sixpence. One appeared through a trade publisher, James Roberts , and one through a mercury, Anne Dodd . Both these were pamphlet-producers who offered...
Textual Production May Drummond
A preface (dated the 26th of the third month, that is, in the Quaker system of naming the months, May) was supplied by the Reading publisher, Jonathan Nelson . Copies were sold in London by...
Textual Production Eliza Haywood
The first part of EH 's libertine novel The Masqueraders appeared without her name (through trade publisher James Roberts , like the several other novels which followed it), but was very quickly identified by a...
Textual Production Eliza Haywood
James Roberts published another anonymous work by EH on 11 August this year, 1724: The Arragonian Queen: A Secret History, an adventure-romance set in the eighth century. It was identified as hers by a...
Textual Production Eliza Haywood
EH followed this on 30 September with Letters from the Palace of Fame. Written by a First Minister in the Regions of Air, to an Inhabitant of this World. Translated from an Arabian Manuscript...
Textual Production Eliza Haywood
This year EH published four new works or instalments of works.
Haywood, Eliza. “Introduction and Chronology of Events in Eliza Haywood’s Life”. The Injur’d Husband, or, The Mistaken Resentment; and, Lasselia, or, The Self-Abandon’d, edited by Jerry C. Beasley, University Press of Kentucky, p. ix - xlii.
Besides these, Some Memoirs of the Amours and Intrigues of a Certain Irish Dean . . . not many Hundred Years since...


November 1713: James Roberts, the most prolific trade publisher...

Writing climate item

November 1713

James Roberts , the most prolific trade publisher in London in the earlier eighteenth century, took over the business from his mother-in-law, Abigail Baldwin , herself a successful publisher.


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