Adela Pankhurst

Standard Name: Pankhurst, Adela
Used Form: Adela Constantia Mary


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Birth Sylvia Pankhurst
SP was born, the middle daughter in a famous family; her four siblings included Christabel , Adela , and two brothers who died relatively young.
Romero, Patricia W. E. Sylvia Pankhurst: Portrait of a Radical. Yale University Press, 1987.
Mitchell, David J. The Fighting Pankhursts: A Study in Tenacity. MacMillan, 1967.
Family and Intimate relationships Emmeline Pankhurst
In February 1884 EP gave birth to Henry Francis Robert and in June 1885 to Adela Constantia Mary . Frank died at the age of four, on 11 September 1888, from diphtheria. The youngest child...
Family and Intimate relationships Emmeline Pankhurst
Unlike their elder siblings, Adela and Harry had a rough time in school because of their parents' known political views, and in particular because they and their mother opposed the Boer War. Harry was severely...
Family and Intimate relationships Christabel Pankhurst
CP 's relations with Sylvia , the sibling closest to herself in age, were always marked by rivalry and conflict. A third sister, Adela , eventually settled in Australia to become a leading figure in...
Family and Intimate relationships Sylvia Pankhurst
SP had a serious falling-out with her mother and her elder sister Christabel when they supported Britain's military efforts during the First World War. Her views on socialism and feminism, which diverged considerably from her...
Family and Intimate relationships Emmeline Pankhurst
EP gave birth to five children in all, four of them within five years. The two eldest, Christabel Harriette (born in September 1880) and Estelle Sylvia (born in May 1882), became, like their mother, high-profile...
Textual Production Dora Marsden
At the rally Marsden appeared on the Union platform, along with Emmeline and Adela Pankhurst , Flora Drummond , Mary Gawthorpe , and Rona Robinson . Marsden 's suffrage work was also regularly reported in...


23 October 1906: During a demonstration at the opening of...

National or international item

23 October 1906

During a demonstration at the opening of Parliament , eleven Women's Social and Political Union supporters were for the first time arrested and imprisoned: for two months in Holloway .
Hume, Leslie Parker. The National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies, 1897-1914. Garland, 1982.
Holton, Sandra Stanley. Suffrage Days: Stories from the Women’s Suffrage Movement. Routledge, 1996.
Holton, Sandra Stanley. Suffrage Days: Stories from the Women’s Suffrage Movement. Routledge, 1996.

20 October 1909: Helen Alexander Archdale, a leading Scottish...

National or international item

20 October 1909

Helen Alexander Archdale , a leading Scottish WSPU member, with Adela Pankhurst and three others, went on hunger strike in prison after arrest for causing a disturbance in Dundee at a meeting featuring Winston Churchill .
Crawford, Elizabeth. The Women’s Suffrage Movement: A Reference Guide, 1866-1928. Routledge, 2001.
under Archdale


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