Thomas Middleton

Standard Name: Middleton, Thomas,, 1580 - 1627


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Fictionalization Lady Arbella Stuart
LAS has been much written about, though more for her life than her authorship. In 1611 The Second Maiden's Tragedy, probably by Thomas Middleton , made her into the Lady, James I into...
Intertextuality and Influence Aphra Behn
This play made some use of works by Philip Massinger and Thomas Middleton .
Todd, Janet. The Secret Life of Aphra Behn. Rutgers University Press.
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Stewart
The title phrase comes from a temptation speech in The Revenger's Tragedy, designed to lure a naive young girl towards the delights of being wealthy and sought-after.
Stewart, Mary. My Brother Michael. Hodder & Stoughton.
181, 184-5
Stewart credited Tourneur as author...
Literary responses Isabella Neil Harwood
Reviewers of the volume hailed INH as a poet and an artist and recognized the same characteristics that had earned her other publications so much praise: purity, high thinking, and freedom from extravagance.
“Mr. Ross Neil’s New Poems”. Pall Mall Gazette, No. 4580.
She was...
Textual Production Rosina Bulwer Lytton, Baroness Lytton
Rosina Bulwer (later Baroness Lytton) published her fourth novel, Bianca Cappello . An Historical Romance, in three volumes.
Bianca had also been treated in ThomasMiddleton 's Women Beware Women, which probably dates from 1621.
Rosina Bulwer Lytton, Baroness Lytton,. “Introduction”. A Blighted Life, edited by Marie Mulvey Roberts, Thoemmes, p. vi - xxxvi.
Textual Production Frances Eleanor Trollope
FET published a novel about spiritualism, Black Spirits and White.
The title is quoted from an incantatory lyric which is better remembered than its provenance. It occurs in Sir William Davenant 's version of...


9 November 1604: Thomas Dekker and Thomas Middleton entered...

Writing climate item

9 November 1604

Thomas Dekker and Thomas Middleton entered in the Stationers' CompanyThe Honest Whore (part one); it was published this year.

7 October 1607: The Revenger's Tragedy (formerly ascribed...

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7 October 1607

The Revenger's Tragedy (formerly ascribed to Cyril Tourneur but now seen by scholars as Thomas Middleton 's answer to Shakespeare 's Hamlet) was entered in the Stationers' Register .

1611: Thomas Dekker's (or Dekker's and Thomas Middleton's)...

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Thomas Dekker 's (or Dekker's and Thomas Middleton 's) comedyThe Roaring Girle, or Moll Cut-Purse, written between 1604 and 1608, was published.

About 1621: Thomas Middleton wrote his tragedy Women...

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About 1621

Thomas Middleton wrote his tragedyWomen Beware Women; it was not published till 1657.

7 May 1622: The Changeling, a tragedy by Thomas Middleton...

Writing climate item

7 May 1622

The Changeling, a tragedy by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley , was licensed for performance.


Middleton, Thomas. The Selected Plays of Thomas Middleton. Editor Frost, David L., Cambridge University Press, 1978.