wrote later, It was a matter of course to me that I was to write, and also a matter of instinct. My head was always busy in inventions, and it was a delight to...
Elizabeth Carter
She occupies volume two in Pickering and Chatto
's series Bluestocking Feminism: Writings of the Bluestocking Circle, 1738-1790, 1999, general editor Gary Kelly
. This volume includes her Epictetus, her two Rambler essays...
Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson
Gary Kelly
includes a facsimile of this work as an example of Street Gothic in his Varieties of Female Gothic, 2002.
Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson
's The White Cottage of the Valley, published with her name but without a date, has as epigraph some lines by Thomas Fitzgerald
about a caged bird, from his poem Bedlam, from...
Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson
The White Pilgrim; or, Castle of Olival, published, with SSW
's name, as translated from the popular French novel, Le Pelerin Blanc (by René-Charles Guilbert de Pixérécourt
), no doubt stemmed in actuality from...
Friends, Associates
Elizabeth Montagu
The term bluestocking very quickly came to imply dismissiveness, if not actual disapproval and contempt. The first to use it pejoratively may well have been, as Gary Kelly
has suggested, those who felt threatened or...
Eliot, George. The George Eliot Letters. Editor Haight, Gordon S., Yale University Press, 1954–1978, 9 vols.
1: 72
Critic Gary Kelly
argues that this first-person narrative should be considered a dramatic monologue.
Hemans, Felicia. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. Felicia Hemans: Selected Poems, Prose, and Letters, edited by Gary Kelly, Broadview, 2002, pp. 12 - 89; various pages.
Literary responses
Amelia Opie
Gary Kelly
in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography calls her work a eulogy, and an example of that Romantic genre, the bereaved spouse's memoir, which, as expected, traced John Opie's creative and professional successes...
Literary responses
Amelia Opie
's novels, which formed a comparatively minor part of her output, had an impact beyond the rest of her work. Literary historian Gary Kelly
notes that when they were new they commanded among the...
Literary responses
Mary Hays
One of Jane Austen
's sisters-in-law owned a copy. Some reviewers objected both to content and arrangement. The European Review was not untypical in that although it expressed some admiration it also called for a...
Thomas Holcroft
shaped his radical political opinions during the 1780s. He enthusiastically welcomed the French Revolution. According to Gary Kelly
in his Oxford Dictionary of National Biography entry, Holcroft was a materialist who believed that...
Author summary
Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson
began publishing before the end of the eighteenth century. Books for children were her first market niche: both short fiction and instructional works. She later moved into translation and into other kinds of fiction...
Felicia Hemans
In 1914 Oxford University Press
published FH
's collected works. After this her works went out of print until the 1970s. Several Garland
reprints with introductions by Donald H. Reiman
have appeared, as have editions...
Charlotte Smith
A forty-page chapbook abridgement appeared in 1810 as Rayland Hall; or, the Remarkable Adventures of Orlando Somerville. An Original Story (dated from its frontispiece). This is used by Gary Kelly
as an example of Street...
Scott, Sarah. A Description of Millenium Hall. Editor Kelly, Gary, Broadview, 1995.
Kelly, Gary, editor. Bluestocking Feminism: Writings of the Bluestocking Circle, 1738-1790. Pickering and Chatto, 1999, 6 vols.
Kelly, Gary. “Clara Reeve, Provincial Bluestocking: From the Old Whigs to the Modern Liberal State”. Reconsidering the Bluestockings, edited by Nicole Pohl and Betty Schellenberg, Huntington Library, 2003, pp. 105-25.
Kelly, Gary, and Matt Ogle. “Converging Research and Teaching: StreetPrint—A Digital Archive of Street Literature”. COCH/COSH, Congress 2003, Halifax, NS.
Kelly, Gary, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 158. Gale Research, 1996.
Kelly, Gary, and Edd Applegate, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 190. Gale Research, 1998.
Wollstonecraft, Mary. “Introduction”. Mary; and, The Wrongs of Woman, edited by Gary Kelly, Oxford University Press, 1980, p. vii - xxviii.
Hemans, Felicia. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. Felicia Hemans: Selected Poems, Prose, and Letters, edited by Gary Kelly, Broadview, 2002, pp. 12 - 89; various pages.
Wollstonecraft, Mary. Mary; and, The Wrongs of Woman. Editor Kelly, Gary, World’s Classics, Oxford University Press, 1980.
Kelly, Gary, and Isobel Grundy. Oral Communication with Isobel Grundy.
Kelly, Gary. Revolutionary Feminism: The Mind and Career of Mary Wollstonecraft. Macmillan, 1992.
Kelly, Gary. The English Jacobin novel; 1780-1805. Clarendon, 1976.
Kelly, Gary, editor. Varieties of Female Gothic. Pickering and Chatto, 2002, 6 vols.
Kelly, Gary. Women, Writing, and Revolution 1790-1827. Clarendon, 1993.