Saint Teresa of Avila

Standard Name: Teresa of Avila, Saint
Used Form: St Teresa of Avila
Used Form: Santa Teresa de Ávila


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Kate O'Brien
She leant against the letter-box, dazzled and happy. She had first heard of the Princess of Eboli , around whom the novel revolves, in the letters of St Teresa of Avila .
qtd. in
Reynolds, Lorna. Kate O’Brien: A Literary Portrait. Colin Smythe; Barnes and Noble, 1987.
Intertextuality and Influence Evelyn Underhill
Mysticism aims at nothing less than providing a comprehensive description, a philosophical analysis, and also . . . a justification of these experiences, regardless of the specific cultural and historical moments in which they occur...
Textual Features Monica Furlong
The different spiritual traditions represented here include ancient Greeks, medieval Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Australian Aboriginals and Native Americans. The authors of prayers include Teresa of Avila , Emily Dickinson , Denise Levertov , Oodgeroo Noonuccal , and Alice Walker .
Blackwell’s Online Bookshop.
Textual Features Elizabeth Jennings
Every Changing Shape was reprinted in 1996 by Carcanet Press with a foreword by Michael Schmidt . It collects essays on Christian writers and mystics that address the way that faith informs the creative imagination...
Textual Production Kate O'Brien
KOB combined several elements evident in one or another of her novels—her love of Spain, her interest in the past, and her fascination with the religious impulse—in a biography, Teresa of Avila.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Textual Production Kate O'Brien
She had a sustained admiration for the achievements of St Teresa .
Reynolds, Lorna. Kate O’Brien: A Literary Portrait. Colin Smythe; Barnes and Noble, 1987.
Her illustrated volume was reprinted at Cork in 1993.
British Library Catalogue.
Textual Production George Eliot
In December 1870 she began writing Miss Brooke, a narrative which became part of Middlemarch as the history of its heroine. Not long after this she thought of combining this story of a daughter...
Textual Production Gertrude Stein
Virgil Thomson had set music to several poems by GS when he asked her to write an opera libretto for him in 1927. She had a longstanding interest in saints, especially Saint Teresa of Avila...
Textual Production Michèle Roberts
MR published a novel entitled Impossible Saints; she has called her protagonist my version of St Teresa of Avila .
Dated from Bodleian Library acquisition stamp.
qtd. in
Newman, Jenny. “Michèle Roberts”. Contemporary British and Irish Fiction, edited by Sharon Monteith et al., Arnold, 2004, pp. 119-34.
Textual Production Julia Kristeva
Teresa, My Love. An Imagined Life of the Saint of Avila (an English version of JK 's Thérèse mon amour, 2008), variously described as a psychoanalytical novel and a biography, appeared from Columbia University Press
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Julia Kristeva
The first of these books addresses Freud 's concept of revolt against the fathers as the basis of individual maturation and independence, and seeks by looking at the lives of three distinguished modern social rebels...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Vita Sackville-West
The eagle is St Teresa of Avila , patron saint of Spain; the dove is Thérèse of Lisieux , a highly popular saint known as the Little Flower.
British Book News. British Council.
(1944): 3
The work is a...


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