William Henry Hudson

Standard Name: Hudson, William Henry
Used Form: W. H. Hudson


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Penelope Lively
Initially learning at home, Penelope became well versed in the Authorised Version, tales of Greece and Rome, The Arabian Nights and not much else.
Lively, Penelope. A House Unlocked. Grove Press, 2001.
She was passionately addicted to Greek mythology, but...
Education Dorothy Brett
Whereas the two Brett boys were sent off to boarding school for a formal education, Dorothy and Sylvia were taught at home, leading a starkly sheltered existence that, Brett believed, arrested their maturation. After the...
Instructor Kathleen E. Innes
About 1910-11, she spent four terms studying under author and naturalist William Henry Hudson in a University Extension programme taught at Gresham College . She graduated from this course first in her class and was...
Literary responses Violet Hunt
To varying degrees, critics have valued VH 's recollections of artistic contemporaries more than her style or other aspects of the memoirs. In a brief review in the Nation and Athenæum on 20 March 1926,...
Reception Margiad Evans
Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan finds these poems uneven, and regrets the influence on them of W. H. Hudson and Walter De la Mare .
Lloyd-Morgan, Ceridwen. Margiad Evans. Seren, 1998.
Textual Features Kathleen E. Innes
Sources from which excerpts are taken include Jane Austen 's letters, William Cobbett 's Rural Rides, painter Anna Lea Merritt 's book A Hamlet in Old Hampshire, Hampshire Days by William Henry Hudson
Textual Production Kathleen E. Innes
Kathleen E. Royds (later Innes) published Coleridge and his Poetry, a bio-critical analysis, in the Poetry and Life Series edited by William Henry Hudson .
Harvey, Kathryn. "Driven by War into Politics": A Feminist Biography of Kathleen Innes. University of Alberta, 1995.
Textual Production Kathleen E. Innes
Kathleen E. Royds (later Innes) published Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her Poetry, a bio-critical analysis, in William Henry Hudson 's Poetry and Life Series.
Harvey, Kathryn. "Driven by War into Politics": A Feminist Biography of Kathleen Innes. University of Alberta, 1995.


May 1891: Two woman-founded forerunners of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds merged

Building item

May 1891

Two woman-founded forerunners of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds merged: Emily Williamson 's two-year-old society in Didsbury, Gloucestershire, and Eliza Phillips ' Fur and Feather in Croydon, Surrey.
“Our History”. RSPB, https://www.rspb.org.uk/about-the-rspb/about-us/our-history/.

1904: William Henry Hudson published Green Man...

Writing climate item


William Henry Hudson published Green Mansions.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011, http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?vid=OXVU1&fromLogin=true&reset_config=true.


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