Lively, Penelope. A House Unlocked. Grove Press, 2001.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Education | Penelope Lively | Initially learning at home, Penelope became well versed in the Authorised Version, tales of Greece and Rome, The Arabian Nights and not much else. Lively, Penelope. A House Unlocked. Grove Press, 2001. 71 |
Education | Dorothy Brett | Whereas the two Brett boys were sent off to boarding school for a formal education, Dorothy and Sylvia were taught at home, leading a starkly sheltered existence that, Brett believed, arrested their maturation. After the... |
Instructor | Kathleen E. Innes | About 1910-11, she spent four terms studying under author and naturalist William Henry Hudson
in a University Extension programme taught at Gresham College
. She graduated from this course first in her class and was... |
Literary responses | Violet Hunt | To varying degrees, critics have valued VH
's recollections of artistic contemporaries more than her style or other aspects of the memoirs. In a brief review in the Nation and Athenæum on 20 March 1926,... |
Reception | Margiad Evans | Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan
finds these poems uneven, and regrets the influence on them of W. H. Hudson
and Walter De la Mare
. Lloyd-Morgan, Ceridwen. Margiad Evans. Seren, 1998. 95 |
Textual Features | Kathleen E. Innes | Sources from which excerpts are taken include Jane Austen
's letters, William Cobbett
's Rural Rides, painter Anna Lea Merritt
's book A Hamlet in Old Hampshire, Hampshire Days by William Henry Hudson |
Textual Production | Kathleen E. Innes | Kathleen E. Royds
(later Innes) published Coleridge
and his Poetry, a bio-critical analysis, in the Poetry and Life Series edited by William Henry Hudson
. Harvey, Kathryn. "Driven by War into Politics": A Feminist Biography of Kathleen Innes. University of Alberta, 1995. 206 |
Textual Production | Kathleen E. Innes | Kathleen E. Royds
(later Innes) published Elizabeth Barrett Browning
and her Poetry, a bio-critical analysis, in William Henry Hudson
's Poetry and Life Series. Harvey, Kathryn. "Driven by War into Politics": A Feminist Biography of Kathleen Innes. University of Alberta, 1995. 206 |
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