Richard Austen Baron Butler

Standard Name: Butler, Richard Austen,,, Baron
Used Form: R. A. Butler


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Penelope Lively
Her marriage, PL wrote, seems to exemplify the stealthy revolution that took place in the post-war years. We were two people who could never have met except in the clear blue air of higher education...
Education Elaine Feinstein
Elaine Cooklin (later EF ) was educated at Wyggeston Grammar School in Leicester. Her mother was determined that she should have the best schooling possible, though Elaine felt hostile at first towards the school...
politics Eleanor Rathbone
Britain, she said, must see that women are able to take their share in promoting and shaping their own destinies in the future government of India.
qtd. in
Alberti, Johanna. Eleanor Rathbone. Sage Press, 1996.
She also lobbied Ramsay MacDonald , Wedgwood Benn
Textual Features Doreen Wallace
The last of these returns to the rural labouring class for her protagonist's origins, and follows him as his winning of a scholarship to Oxford (a result of the Butler Education Act of August 1944)...


3 August 1944: Butler's Education Act established the Ministry...

Building item

3 August 1944

Butler 's Education Act established the Ministry of Education and raised the school leaving age for both boys and girls to fifteen.
Borer, Mary Cathcart. Willingly to School: A History of Women’s Education. Lutterworth Press, 1976.
Martin, Christopher. A Short History of English Schools, 1750-1965. Wayland, 1979.
Law Reports: Statutes. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1866–2025.
1944: 224

16 April 1953: R. A. Butler, Chancellor of the Exchequer,...

National or international item

16 April 1953

R. A. Butler , Chancellor of the Exchequer, made the first budget speech to be broadcast on BBC television.
Briggs, Asa. The BBC: The First Fifty Years. Oxford University Press, 1985.


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