Martin Madan

Standard Name: Madan, Martin,, 1725 - 1790


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Judith Cowper Madan
JCM 's very popular A Funeral Hymn (two 8-line stanzas, beginning In this World of Sin and Sorrow, ending Let thy gracious Will be done)
Madan, Falconer. The Madan Family. Oxford University Press.
appeared in print in an appendix added to...
Cultural formation Judith Cowper Madan
From about this time she associated herself with John Wesley 's fairly new religious group called the Methodists (then part of the Church of England). Another influence on her religious thinking was Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon
Family and Intimate relationships Judith Cowper Madan
JCM bore her eldest child, a son named Martin after his father, at her parents' townhouse in Bond Street, London.
Madan, Falconer. The Madan Family. Oxford University Press.
Friends, Associates Mariana Starke
From at least the late 1770s MS and her family were on terms of close friendship with Eliza and William Hayley ; Mariana's earliest extant letter to Eliza Hayley is dated 22 December 1780. William...
Publishing Anne Francis
She quoted Pindar in Greek on the title page, and dedicated the work in a full-page inscription to John Parkhurst of Epsom, author of a Hebrew lexicon,
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
as a small testament to his merit, and...


28 March 1762: Preaching at the opening of a chapel at the...

Building item

28 March 1762

Preaching at the opening of a chapel at the LondonLock Hospital (for sexually transmitted disease) the Rev. Martin Madan pointed the finger at men who knowingly infect children.

After April 1763: Martin Madan published An Account of the...

Building item

After April 1763

Martin Madan published An Account of the Triumphant Death of F. S. a Converted Prostitute, who had supposedly died recently at the age of twenty-six.

By November 1780: Martin Madan published Thelyphthora: Or,...

Building item

By November 1780

Martin Madan published Thelyphthora: Or, a Treatise on Female Ruin, on the topic of prostitution.


Madan, Martin, editor. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns: Extracted from Various Authors. 1760.
Madan, Martin, editor. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns: Extracted From Various Authors. 1763.