Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley

Standard Name: Mosley, Sir Oswald Ernald


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Amabel Williams-Ellis
Amabel's elder brother, Tom, died of pneumonia when she was twelve. Her younger brother, (Evelyn) John St Loe Strachey , born in 1901, became a well-known public figure. During his political career he served as...
Family and Intimate relationships Nancy Mitford
Three of NM 's sisters took up extreme political positions in the 1930s. Diana , the third in age, left her first marriage to be with Sir Oswald Mosley , leader of the British Union of Fascists
Friends, Associates Violet Trefusis
The following year Lowndes stayed with Trefusis at West Coker Manor.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. Diaries and Letters of Marie Belloc Lowndes, 1911-1947. Editor Marques, Susan Lowndes, Chatto and Windus.
At this time VT nurtured her (often edgy) relationship with writer Nancy Mitford , who moved from England to Paris in April...
Intertextuality and Influence Amabel Williams-Ellis
This work was shaped by her observations at Independent Labour Party summer schools; she incorporates portraits of her then-colleagues the future Fascist Oswald Mosley and Labour leader Aneurin Bevan . The novel is concerned with...
Occupation Maude Royden
In June 1921, they moved the Fellowship Services to the Guildhouse, Eccleston Square, where MR continued to preach until she resigned in December 1936. She resigned because, she said, I have to choose; and...
politics Doreen Wallace
It seems that Doreen's father, who came to support the family during this crisis, summoned the BUF, who for their part understood the value of publicity in a populist cause. Oswald Mosley , too, had...
politics Vita Sackville-West
VSW disliked the term feminist, though many of her socially nonconforming attitudes would attract that term today. She supported the fight for Radclyffe Hall 's Well of Loneliness. She did not involve herself...
Reception Nancy Mitford
Oswald Mosley banned his sister-in-law from his home after this novel.
Knight, India. “Nit, Sick, and Bore”. London Review of Books, pp. 25-6.
But she opposed its reissue after the war, on the grounds that [t]oo much has happened for jokes about Nazis to be regarded...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Winifred Holtby
Set in the immediate future, the play imagines the rise of a Fascist dictatorship in England. It satirises English Fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley and contemporary European dictatorships as part of its scathing critique of...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Aldous Huxley
Some critics consider this AH 's finest work, a point of intersection between his social satires and his portraits of cynical characters who eventually journey to mysticism. It has an epigraph from Fulke Greville about...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Nancy Mitford
NM is less concerned to depict the evil than the stupidity inherent in fascism and nazism : I don't quite know what an Aryan is.Well, it's quite easy. A non-Aryan is the missing link...


27 October 1931: In the general election, the National Coalition...

National or international item

27 October 1931

In the general election, the National Coalition Government won a landslide victory (a majority of nearly five hundred seats over the combined opposition) but became much more Conservative in tone than it had been. Most...

January 1932: Oswald Mosley, leader of the recent, short-lived...

National or international item

January 1932

Oswald Mosley , leader of the recent, short-lived British New Party , made a visit to Mussolini in Italy.

1 October 1932: The British Union of Fascists was founded...

Building item

1 October 1932

The British Union of Fascists was founded by Sir Oswald Mosley .

7 June 1934: Sir Oswald Mosley, former Member of Parliament...

National or international item

7 June 1934

Sir Oswald Mosley , former Member of Parliament and founder of the British Union of Fascists (1932), spoke at a demonstration at Olympia Hall, London, attended by 15,000 people.

5 October 1936: A Sunday march of Oswald Mosley's British...

National or international item

5 October 1936

A Sunday march of Oswald Mosley 's British Union of Fascists clashed with anti-fascist demonstrators at Cable Street in the East End of London.

Late 1936: The Public Order Act passed through parliament,...

Building item

Late 1936

The Public Order Act passed through parliament, aimed at outbreaks of violence following demonstrations and counter-demonstrations connected with Oswald Mosley 's British Union of Fascists .

15 October 1964: The Labour Party came to precarious power...

National or international item

15 October 1964

The Labour Party came to precarious power in the general election by a majority of four seats; next day Harold Wilson became Prime Minister.


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