Harman, Claire. Sylvia Townsend Warner: A Biography. Chatto and Windus, 1989.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Friends, Associates | Kathleen Raine | KR
felt she was an outsider at Cambridge because she did not come from the upper or upper-middle classes, and because many of her friends there were also outsiders for various reasons. However, they did... |
Friends, Associates | Pamela Frankau | PF
became well known to many more in this and later literary generations, not a few of them through G. B. Stern: Lady Colefax
, editor Sidney Dark
, and novelist Louis Bromfield
. During... |
Literary responses | Sylvia Townsend Warner | Critics concurred that the collection deserved celebration, and that STW
was a wise as well as an able writer. Times Literary Supplement reviewer Gabriele Annan
found the book an attack on accepted thinking, and was... |
Material Conditions of Writing | Sylvia Townsend Warner | STW
wrote these stories in a state of exhaustion, immediately after completing her biography of T. H. White
. Harman, Claire. Sylvia Townsend Warner: A Biography. Chatto and Windus, 1989. 287 |
Material Conditions of Writing | Sylvia Townsend Warner | The stories, most of them previously published in the New Yorker, were written while STW
was working on her biography of T. H. White
. The collection was published the same year in New... |
Textual Features | Rosemary Sutcliff | She does not, therefore, put her own idiosyncratic stamp on the stories in the manner of T. H. White
(author of The Once and Future King, 1958, whose opening volume, The Sword in the... |
Textual Production | Mary Stewart | Although not at first intending to write a sequel to The Crystal Cave and thereby tread on the same ground as T. H. White
in his magnificent novel The Sword in the Stone,MS |
Textual Production | Freya Stark | In Such Good Friends and Friends of a Lifetime, Sir Sydney Cockerell
published a selection of letters from his (mostly famous) associates; according to critics, among the best were those written by G. B. Shaw |
Textual Production | Sylvia Townsend Warner | STW
published T. H. White
: A Biography—the life of a writer whom she admired, but had never met before beginning work on the project. Harman, Claire. Sylvia Townsend Warner: A Biography. Chatto and Windus, 1989. 282,286 |
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