Gabriele Annan

Standard Name: Annan, Gabriele


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Sylvia Townsend Warner
Critics concurred that the collection deserved celebration, and that STW was a wise as well as an able writer. Times Literary Supplement reviewer Gabriele Annan found the book an attack on accepted thinking, and was...
Literary responses Diana Athill
A chorus of praise greeted this book. The chapter on Jean Rhys was hailed as a miniature masterpiece.Jules Verdone in the Boston Globe suggested that that DA had the knack of presenting as history...
Literary responses Caroline Blackwood
The same reviewer, Gabriele Annan in The Listener, credited CB with power, imagination, wit, and above all precision.
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Schoenberger, Nancy. Dangerous Muse, A Life of Caroline Blackwood. Phoenix, 2002.
The London Magazine noted the book's seamless transition from fiction to reportage.
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Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. Gale Research, 1981–2025, Numerous volumes.
65: 38
Robert Fisk
Literary responses Anita Desai
This novel received mixed reviews. Richard Bernstein wrote in the New York Times of AD 's intelligence and power, calling her a writer with a remarkable eye for substance. He found in this novel the...
Textual Features Hilary Mantel
At her selective convent school school Carmel McBain is thrown closely together with Karina (child of East European immigrant parents), because they are the only two children at the school from poor homes beyond its...


No timeline events available.


Annan, Gabriele. “All About Evil”. New York Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 13, pp. 35-6.