Hermann Broch

Standard Name: Broch, Hermann


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Hannah Arendt
In Paris she moved in a circle of anti-Fascist exiles, including theorist Walter Benjamin , novelist Hermann Broch , and poet and philosopher Heinrich Blücher ,
Dictionary of American Biography. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1929–2025, 1-20.
who was by this time an anti-Stalinist Communist. To...
Friends, Associates Hannah Arendt
HA 's journalistic and editorial work meant that she met almost everyone who belonged to the intellectual scene in New York, as well as those just passing through, like T. S. Eliot . Those who...
Textual Production Willa Muir
Willa and Edwin Muir spent almost this entire year translatingHermann Broch 's The Sleepwalkers: A Trilogy.
Muir, Willa. Belonging. Hogarth Press, 1968.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Textual Production Hannah Arendt
HA 's introduction to the two volumes of Hermann Broch that she edited for a collection published at Zurich in 1955, later re-appeared in English in Men in Dark Times. She edited two volumes...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Hannah Arendt
Dark times is a phrase from Brecht . It is almost synonymous here with the twentieth century, though HA has a piece on Lessing , who lived two centuries earlier. She uses men to signify...


No timeline events available.


Broch, Hermann. The Sleepwalkers: A Trilogy. Translators Muir, Willa and Edwin Muir, Secker, 1932.