Harriet Shaw Weaver

Standard Name: Weaver, Harriet Shaw
Birth Name: Harriet Shaw Weaver
Pseudonym: Josephine Wright
HSW wrote reviews and leaders for the influential little magazine The Egoist while she was its editor. She wrote historical surveys of philosophical concepts of time and space, but neither of these was ever published. She is best remembered for her herculean efforts to achieve publicaton for the writings of James Joyce .


Connections Author name Sort ascending Excerpt
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
Harriet Shaw Weaver had approached the Hogarth Press about publishing Ulysses in April 1918, but the Woolfs declined, mainly because they could not have printed so massive a work themselves and because Leonard could find...
Occupation Ezra Pound
Dora Marsden and Harriet Shaw Weaver took on EP as poetry editor for their journal The New Freewoman, whose first number came out on 19 June.
Nadel, Ira Bruce, editor. “Chronology; Introduction”. The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound, Cambridge University Press, pp. xvii - xxxi; 1.
Textual Production Marianne Moore
Twenty-four of MM 's Poems were selected, ostensibly without her knowledge, by H. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAlmon (the latter being her friend Bryher )
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
and published through Harriet Shaw Weaver 's Egoist Press
Residence Dora Marsden
Seldom Seen eventually incorporated both no. 4 and no. 5, Glencoyne Cottages, in Glenridding. The Marsdens had some financial assistance from Harriet Shaw Weaver , who also rented a neighbouring cottage for visits. The women's...
Friends, Associates Dora Marsden
During the 1920s DM 's primary focus was her writing, which she continued mainly in isolation and under much mental and physical stress. However, she was assisted in this by Harriet Shaw Weaver and Sylvia Beach
Cultural formation Dora Marsden
Harriet Shaw Weaver commented in 1961 (a year after Marsden's death and at the end of her own life) that the Holy Ghost was a female deity to whom [Dora] used to pray and who...
Friends, Associates Dora Marsden
During Marsden's years in hospital her periods of inactivity were interrupted by a burst of writing between 1958 and 1959, as well as by regular contact with family and some friends. Harriet Shaw Weaver paid...
Textual Production Dora Marsden
Plans were afoot to relaunch The Freewoman shortly after it collapsed in its first form. When Marsden retreated to Southport for health reasons, Rebecca West acted as liaison between her and supporters in the Freewoman Discussion Circle
Textual Features Dora Marsden
Marsden was neither unaware nor entirely appreciative of Pound's intellectual programme or his professional ethics. She told Weaver in a letter of November 1913 (after the journal had again been relaunched with a new name)...
Reception Dora Marsden
Sales of the bimonthly New Freewoman remained low (about 400 copies per issue), a consequence of its appeal to a limited audience and the continued ban by W. H. Smith . It was kept alive...
Textual Production Dora Marsden
This journal had an auspicious beginning: Marsden announced in January that it would serialize James Joyce 's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Marsden played an important role in Joyce's early...
Textual Production Dora Marsden
But DM 's involvement with The Egoist began to slacken shortly after its début. This was in part because of her distance from London (in Southport), her desire to focus on her philosophical writing...
Reception Dora Marsden
Although the journal was to assume a place of high prominence in modernist criticism, DM 's essays initially reached a small, steadily decreasing audience. The Egoist's December 1919 issue was its last: by this...
Textual Production Dora Marsden
From 1920 DM lived in intellectual and social isolation in a small Lake District cottage, concerned almost exclusively with her philosophical reading and writing. Her only regular company was her mother; Harriet Shaw Weaver sometimes...
Reception Dora Marsden
DM sent her book to trusted readers before and after its publication. Her former instructor Samuel Alexander (who had published Space, Time and the Deity in 1920) advised against publication, telling her that the text...


1911: The Royal College of Surgeons admitted its...

Building item


December 1919: The last issue of The Egoist: An Individualist...

Writing climate item

December 1919

The last issue of The Egoist: An Individualist Review was published.


Marsden, Dora, and Harriet Shaw Weaver, editors. The Egoist. Robert Johnson.
Marsden, Dora, and Harriet Shaw Weaver, editors. The Egoist. Kraus.