Beinecke Library
Bel Esprit
BEL Productions
Belfast Central Library
Belfast Ladies' Institute
Belfast Theatre
Belfast Women's Suffrage Society
Belfast Women's Temperance Association
Belford, Clarke and Company
Belgian Red Cross, Motor Field Ambulance Corps
Belgrade Theatre
Belgrave Theatre
Bell and Daldy
Bell Laboratories
Bell's Library
Bell's Telephone Office
Belleville Mechanics' Institute
Bellevue Mental Hospital
Bellevue Sanatorium
Belvedere Clinic of Exe Vale Hospital
Ben Greet Players
Benedictine Community of St Mary at the Cross
Benedictine Nuns
Benford Ltd
Bengal Civil Service
Bengal Education Department
Bengal Medical Establishment
Bengal Military Board
Bengal Staff Corps
Bengali-Speaking Readers' Group
Benjamin Bragge
Benn Brothers Limited
Bentinck Group
Bentley Productions
Berg Collection
Berkeley School for Boys
Berkhamsted School
Berkshire County Library
Berlin Film Festival
Berlin Physiological Society
Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute
Berlin Radio
Berlitz School
Bermondsey Settlement
Bernard Lintot
Berwick Academy
Berwick Street Collective