Society of Independent Artists


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Family and Intimate relationships Mina Loy
ML met the itinerant poet-pugilist
Burke, Carolyn. Becoming Modern: The Life of Mina Loy. Farrar, Straus, Giroux.
Arthur Cravan in New York in April 1917 at the Society of Independent Artists Exhibition. This was the year after his boxing-ring career had peaked.
Burke, Carolyn. Becoming Modern: The Life of Mina Loy. Farrar, Straus, Giroux.
Nicholl, Charles. “The wind comes up out of nowhere”. London Review of Books, pp. 8-13.
Born Fabian Avenarius Lloyd
Occupation Mina Loy
ML 's painting Making Lampshades was included in the Society of Independent Artists Exhibition at the Grand Central Palace in New York.
Burke, Carolyn. Becoming Modern: The Life of Mina Loy. Farrar, Straus, Giroux.
223, 227
Loy, Mina. “Introduction and Time-Table”. The Last Lunar Baedeker, edited by Roger L. Conover, Carcanet, p. xv - lxxix.
Occupation Mina Loy
The Society of Independent Artists included many members of the Arensberg circle, especially Duchamp . The Society countered tradition in many ways in their plans for the exhibition. Their slogan was No jury, no prizes...


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