British Red Cross


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Employer Carola Oman
As a VAD—that is, a volunteer nurse with the Voluntary Aid DetachmentCO was stationed close to the lines in France. Here she worked for the British Red Cross until after the war ended.
“Obituary: Miss Carola Oman”. Times, 12 June 1978, p. 16.
Employer Carola Oman
CO served the British Red Cross Society for a second term, nursing through the Second World War and staying on afterwards.
Who’s Who. Adam and Charles Black, 1849–2025, Annual Volumes.
Employer Carola Oman
CO was president of the Hertford Branch of the British Red Cross Society .
Who’s Who. Adam and Charles Black, 1849–2025, Annual Volumes.
Employer Ann Bridge
In Hungary Mary O'Malley (the writer AB ) not only carried out her diplomatic-wife tasks of entertaining and visiting, but also worked as a British Red Cross representative for the country.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Reilly, John M., editor. Twentieth Century Crime and Mystery Writers. Macmillan, 1980.
Employer Jane Gardam
In 1951 she took a job with the Red Cross , working as a travelling librarian visiting and servicing hospital libraries. She then moved into journalism, becoming a sub-editor on Weldon Ladies Journal in 1952...
Employer Ngaio Marsh
One of NM 's favourite activities in New Zealand was gardening; her terraced garden, with a wealth of English trees and roses and some native plants, became a show place.
Lewis, Margaret. Ngaio Marsh: A Life. Chatto & Windus, 1991.
During the war NM
politics Ann Bridge
During the second world, while in charge of getting care packages to British prisoners of war in Germany, she was outraged by what she felt to be the shocking inefficiencies, delays, and penny-pinching of...
Residence Willa Muir
Nearing the end of her life, WM tried living in a British Red Cross home called Meadowcroft, in Cambridge.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Textual Production Ann Bridge
One of her over-riding aims here was, through relating her own efforts to get food parcels to British prisoners of war, to expose the failures of the British Red Cross , so that nothing of...
Textual Production Ngaio Marsh
An unfinished draft of a novel from the 1940s, Money in the Morgue, reproduces for its protagonist NM 's own situation during the war as a Red Cross driver for an isolated hospital.
Lewis, Margaret. Ngaio Marsh: A Life. Chatto & Windus, 1991.
84, 103


April 1916: The British Red Cross Society organized the...

Building item

April 1916

The British Red Cross Society organized the Women's Motor Ambulance Unit in northern France under the command of Mrs Graham Jones .
McLaren, Barbara. Women of the War. Hodder and Stoughton, 1917.


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