Liverpool College


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Barbara Pym
BP attended Liverpool College , an Anglican boarding school (one of the Woodard Schools ) at Huyton on Merseyside.
Allen, Orphia Jane. Barbara Pym: Writing a Life. Scarecrow Press.
Pym, Barbara. “Editorial Materials”. A Very Private Eye, edited by Hazel Holt and Hilary Pym, Macmillan, p. various pages.
Material Conditions of Writing Barbara Pym
BP 's other juvenilia include poems and short stories published in the literary magazine at her boarding school, Liverpool College : The Sad Story of Alphonse, Henry Shakespeare, Adolphe, Satire (an imitation...
Residence Josephine Butler
JB and her family moved to Liverpool, where her husband became principal of Liverpool College (like Cheltenham, a public secondary school for boys). This move allowed her to expand the scope of her activities...


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