Workers' Educational Association


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Elaine Feinstein
She had been working at several jobs already: magazine editing, giving tutorials (at Cambridge called supervisions) to undergraduates, and teaching for the WEA . She earned money the family sorely needed (in part for school...
Employer Doreen Wallace
DW found the war years tedious. There was a constant turnover of evacuees at her home: she considered sending her own children to Scotland for safety, but did not do so. She became a lecturer...
Family and Intimate relationships Fleur Adcock
Her father, Cyril John Adcock, brought from England at the age of ten, grew up on a New Zealand bush farm where as a teenager he constructed cat's whisker radio equipment.
Adcock, Fleur. Poems: 1960-2000. Bloodaxe Books.
Adcock, Fleur. Selected Poems. Oxford University Press.
In England...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Cornford
Rupert John Cornford was named after Rupert Brooke , who had died eight months earlier, and John Swan , a miner who met the Cornfords through the Workers' Educational Association .
Delany, Paul. The Neo-Pagans: Rupert Brooke and the Ordeal of Youth. Free Press.
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Whipple
Henry Whipple, who worked as a civil servant in education, was Dorothy's boss at the time. His work took them to conferences here and there, and meetings of the W. E .A.
Whipple, Dorothy. Random Commentary. Michael Joseph.
Nicola Beauman


16 May 1903: The Workers' Educational Association was...

Building item

16 May 1903

The Workers' Educational Association was founded in London by Albert and Frances Mansbridge as the Association to Promote the Higher Education of Working Men , primarily by the Extension of University Teaching.

1918-19: The Workers' Educational Association (WEA)...

Building item


The Workers' Educational Association (WEA) had 219 branches, with 12,438 students; about 40% were women.


No bibliographical results available.