Valancourt Books


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Ann Radcliffe
An obituarist had whetted the public appetite by remarking that AR had left a number of manuscripts ready for print.
Norton, Rictor. Mistress of Udolpho: The Life of Ann Radcliffe. Leicester University Press, 1999.
She probably wrote most of the novel Gaston de Blondeville in winter 1802-3. Late...
Publishing Eliza Parsons
It was advertised in this month.
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols.
1: 592
Her earnings from it contributed towards sending her thirteen-year-old surviving son to sea, and paid the school fees of the younger ones.
Parsons, Eliza, and William Windham. Letter to William Windham, 14 May [1794]. http://BL Add M3 37914.
A second edition followed in...
Publishing Vernon Lee
VL dedicated to Henry Jamesfor good luck, [her] first attempt at a novel.
qtd. in
Colby, Vineta. Vernon Lee: A Literary Biography. University of Virginia Press, 2003.
The text has recently been re-issued by Valancourt Books .
Publishing Regina Maria Roche
The usual US and Irish editions followed, plus a French translation. Valancourt Books of Chicago (a Gothic reprint house named after the hero of Ann Radcliffe 's The Mysteries of Udolpho) has recently re-issued this novel.
Publishing Mary Ann Radcliffe
In 1871 the author of Manfroné (which was reprinted by Minerva Press in 1819 and 1828) was identified in Notes and Queries as a different Mary Ann Radcliffe, who lived in Durham and was a...
Publishing Ann Radcliffe
It had been advertised in the London Chronicle on 22-4 April.
Norton, Rictor. Mistress of Udolpho: The Life of Ann Radcliffe. Leicester University Press, 1999.
The day after it appeared AR 's previous publisher, Hookham , issued a whole clutch of related works: new editions of her first...
Textual Production Ouida
In the same year appeared In Maremma, which has been recently reprinted by Valancourt Books , edited by Natalie Schroeder with extensive contextual material. This is set on the coast of Tuscany marked with...
Textual Production Marie Corelli
This novel was released as a single volume costing six shillings, instead of the more traditional and expensive three-volume format.
Mayer, Howard A. “Sorrows of Satan, The (Corelli)”. The 1890s: An Encyclopedia of British Literature, Art, and Culture, edited by George A. Cevasco, Garland Publishing, 1993, pp. 573-5.
Its full title was The Sorrows of Satan; or, The Strange Experience of One...


No timeline events available.


Hoeveler, Diane Long, and Eliza Parsons. “Introduction”. The Castle of Wolfenbach, edited by Diane Long Hoeveler and Diane Long Hoeveler, Valancourt Books, 2007, p. vii - xvii.
Maunder, Andrew. “Introduction”. The Fate of Fenella, Valancourt Books, 2008, p. vii - xxiii.
Morton, Karen. A Life Marketed as Fiction. An Analysis of the Works of Eliza Parsons. Valancourt Books, 2011.
Parsons, Eliza. The Castle of Wolfenbach. Editor Hoeveler, Diane Long, Valancourt Books, 2007.