Caine, Barbara. Victorian Feminists. Oxford University Press, 1992.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Cultural formation | Josephine Butler | She maintained a membership in the Women's Liberal Association
throughout the 1880s and 1890s. Caine, Barbara. Victorian Feminists. Oxford University Press, 1992. 154 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Kate Parry Frye | KPF
's mother was born Jane Kezia Crosbie
(known as Jenny), the daughter of a Scottish grocer. She was an efficient and popular hostess, and engaged actively with women's politics, serving as the president of... |
politics | Constance Naden | She was a Liberal (who canvassed for the Gladstone
supporter George Granville Leveson-Gower
when he stood—unsuccessfully—for East Marylebone in 1889), a supporter of Irish Home Rule, a member of the Somerville Club
for women, and... |
politics | Emily Faithfull | On joining, EF
was appointed Vice-president. Criticised by female Liberal party supporters for backing the Conservative platform, she responded by noting that the Primrose Dames and the Women's Liberal Association
had similar objectives of promoting... |
politics | Kate Parry Frye | The Frye family was actively political throughout KPF
's formative years, mostly on behalf of the Liberal Party
: her mother
expected Kate to attend the North Kensington Women's Liberal Association
meetings hosted in the... |
politics | Kate Parry Frye | She found the occasion amusing and exhilarating; she rushed around and flirted with men; but she continued her account: But I am in earnest. I really do feel a great belief in the need of... |
politics | Edna Lyall | EL
was a supporter of women's suffrage. She was a vice-president of the Women's Liberal Association
of Eastbourne. At her class for women shop assistants they read, sang, and discussed political and social issues... |
Textual Production | Henrietta Müller | Henrietta Müller
delivered the annual address to the BristolWomen's Liberal Association
. Bristol Mercury. 12405 (15 February 1888): 5 |
No bibliographical results available.