Local Education Authorities


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Travel Charlotte Despard
CD travelled to Canada in 1902 to see for herself the condition of the street boys from Lambeth who had been sent there by Dr Barnardo's .When Local Education Authorities were set up in Britain...


1901: The Women's Local Government Society campaigned...

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The Women's Local Government Society campaigned against the establishment of the new Local Education Authorities from which women would be excluded; the campaign resulted in the decision to allow women to be appointed directly to...

18 December 1902: Balfour's Education Act was passed; it dissolved...

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18 December 1902

Balfour 's Education Act was passed; it dissolved the School Boards and replaced them with Local Education Authorities , which were empowered to provide secondary education.
Hollis, Patricia. Ladies Elect: Women in English Local Government, 1865-1914. Clarendon, 1987.
Law Reports: Statutes. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1866–2025.
1902 vol. XL: 126-39
Martin, Christopher. A Short History of English Schools, 1750-1965. Wayland, 1979.
Borer, Mary Cathcart. Willingly to School: A History of Women’s Education. Lutterworth Press, 1976.

8 August 1918: Fisher's Education Act passed: among other...

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8 August 1918

Fisher 's Education Act passed: among other reforms it modified the system of grants, abolished fees for elementary schools, and empowered Local Education Authorities to raise the upper age limit of compulsory education to fifteen...

From 1920: The Ministry of Education instituted a scheme...

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From 1920

The Ministry of Education instituted a scheme of state studentships: grants for university education based on the student's results in Higher School Certificate (including special scholarship papers).
Mountford, Sir James Frederick. British Universities. Oxford University Press, 1966.

From 1945: The principle became increasingly established...

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From 1945

The principle became increasingly established that any student gaining a university place would be granted a state studentship from their Local Education Authority .
Mountford, Sir James Frederick. British Universities. Oxford University Press, 1966.

1960: Following the recommendations of the Anderson...

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Following the recommendations of the Anderson Report, a national scheme operated by Local Education Authorities supplied grants for all university students, subject to means testing.
Mountford, Sir James Frederick. British Universities. Oxford University Press, 1966.

23 October 1963: The report of the Robbins Committee on Higher...

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23 October 1963

The report of the Robbins Committee on Higher Education (recommending the establishment of new universities in Britain) was accepted by the new Prime Minister, Sir Alec Douglas Home .
Gordon, Peter et al. Education and Policy in England in the Twentieth Century. Woburn, 1991.
257, 324
Simon, Brian. Education and the Social Order, 1940-1990. Lawrence and Wishart, 1991.
Mountford, Sir James Frederick. British Universities. Oxford University Press, 1966.
Collini, Stefan. “HiEdBiz”. London Review of Books, 6 Nov. 2003, pp. 3-9.

January 1965: The Labour government decided on urging,...

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January 1965

The Labour government decided on urging, but not compelling, Local Education Authorities to introduce comprehensive secondary schools, ending selection at eleven-plus.
Simon, Brian. The State and Educational Change: Essays in the History of Education and Pedagogy. Lawrence and Wishart, 1994.

1970: The Education (Handicapped Children) Act...

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The Education (Handicapped Children) Act made Local Education Authorities responsible for the education of all children: no child, no matter how severely handicapped, was to be classed as ineducable.
Rogers, Rick. Crowther to Warnock: How fourteen reports tried to change children’s lives. Heinemann Educational Books in association with the International Year of the Child, 1980.

30 June 1970: Margaret Thatcher, soon after taking office...

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30 June 1970

Margaret Thatcher , soon after taking office as Minister of Education (Conservative), gave Local Education Authorities freedom to halt or reverse progress towards comprehensive schools.
Simon, Brian. The State and Educational Change: Essays in the History of Education and Pedagogy. Lawrence and Wishart, 1994.


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