Abbey Theatre Company


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Employer Anne Enright
As an undergraduate at TCD, AE had already worked in theatre, with companies like the Abbey and Rough Magic Theatre . After her MA degree she found work as a television producer with RTÉ ...
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
At the age of almost fifty-one, AG had her first independently-authored play performed: her comedy Twenty-Five was produced by the Abbey Theatre Company .
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xv.
v, xi
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
Hyacinth Halvey, a comic one-act play by AG about a man trying desperately to lose his good reputation, was first performed by the Abbey Theatre Company in Dublin.
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
The Workhouse Ward, a one-act comedy by AG (a rewritten version of The Poorhouse), was first performed by the Abbey Theatre Company .
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
AG 's comedy The Bogie Men was first performed by the Abbey Theatre Company at the Court Theatre in London.
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Stevenson, Mary Lou Kohfeldt. Lady Gregory: The Woman Behind the Irish Renaissance. Atheneum, 1985.
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
The Abbey Theatre Company produced AG 's The White Cockade, a play which J. M. Synge thought made the writing of historical drama again possible.
qtd. in
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
Dervorgilla, a tragedy by AG about one of the most hated women in Irish history,
Cave, Richard. “Revaluations: Representations of Women in the Tragedies of Gregory and Yeats”. Irish University Review, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar. 2004– 2025, pp. 122-32.
was first performed by the Abbey Theatre Company .
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
The Golden Apple, AG 's first wonder play, written for Kiltartan children in 1915, was produced by the Abbey Theatre Company in Dublin.
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Saddlemyer, Ann. In Defence of Lady Gregory, Playwright. Dufour Editions, 1966.
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
AG 's one-woman verse play The Old Woman Remembers was first performed by Sara Allgood of the Abbey Theatre Company .
Saddlemyer, Ann. In Defence of Lady Gregory, Playwright. Dufour Editions, 1966.
Textual Production Augusta Gregory
The Abbey Theatre Company first performed AG 's Kincora, a tragic folk-history play about the Irish hero Brian Boru and his power-hungry wife, Queen Gormleith.
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
ix, vi
Cave, Richard. “Revaluations: Representations of Women in the Tragedies of Gregory and Yeats”. Irish University Review, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar. 2004– 2025, pp. 122-32.
Textual Production Augusta Gregory
AG 's comic wonder playThe Dragon was first produced by the Abbey Theatre Company in Dublin.
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Textual Production Augusta Gregory
AG wrote another wonder playAristotle's Bellows, first produced by the Abbey Theatre Company on 17 March 1921, as well as a children's play, The Jester, written at her grandson's request to be...
Textual Production Augusta Gregory
The Abbey Theatre Company had produced Sancho's Master and Dave in the spring of 1927.
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.


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