Jacob Tonson


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Elizabeth Singer Rowe
Thirty of her poems from The Athenian Mercury were recycled with other contents of the magazine in a new venture of Dunton's, a collection entitled The Athenian Oracle. Her poems also appeared in Divine...
Publishing Aphra Behn
AB dedicated The Feigned Courtesans in print to the king's mistress Nell Gwyn, who was said to be illiterate. As published, by Jacob Tonson, it was one of the most shoddily produced and...
Textual Production Aphra Behn
AB published through Tonson her Poems upon Several Occasions.Jacob Tonson
Though one of the commendatory poems dates from November 1683, the book was not registered with the Stationers' Company till Easter Term 1684.
O’Donnell, Mary Ann. Aphra Behn: An Annotated Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources. Garland, 1986.
Todd, Janet. The Secret Life of Aphra Behn. Rutgers University Press, 1997.
O’Donnell, Mary Ann. Aphra Behn: An Annotated Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources. Garland, 1986.


No timeline events available.


“Paraphrase on Oenone to Paris”. Ovid’s Epistles, Translated by Several Hands, translated by. Aphra Behn, Jacob Tonson, 1680, p. H1r - 12v.
Behn, Aphra. The False Count. Jacob Tonson, 1682.
Behn, Aphra. The Feigned Courtesans. Jacob Tonson, 1679.
Behn, Aphra. The Rover Part II. Jacob Tonson, 1681.
Congreve, William. Love for Love. Jacob Tonson, 1695.
Congreve, William. The Way of the World. Jacob Tonson, 1700.