Honno Welsh Women’s Press. http://www.honno.co.uk/.
Honno Welsh Women's Press
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Anthologization | Margiad Evans | Work by both ME and her sister was included in Welsh Short Stories. An Anthology, which appeared in 1937 with no named editor but with the help of Elizabeth Inglis Jones. Margiad was... |
Publishing | E. A. Dillwyn | EAD took her material from her father, who as a magistrate in 1843 was summoned off the cricket pitch to deal with the Rebecca Rioters. The Honno Welsh Women's Press issued a reprint... |
Textual Features | Jane Williams | Williams's book was re-issued in 1987 by Honno Welsh Women's Press as The Autobiography of Elizabeth Davis, Betsy Cadwaladyr: A Balaclava Nurse, with a new introduction by Deirdre Beddoe. The reprint omits the original preface. |
1986: Honno Welsh Women's Press was set up by a...
Women writers item
Honno Welsh Women's Press was set up by a group of women seeking wider publishing opportunities for women in Wales.
Mslexia. Mslexia Publications.
13 (2002): 6
June 1986: Honno Press was founded in Aberystwyth as an independent co-operative press publishing the work of women in Wales
Writing climate item
June 1986
The Honno Press was founded in Aberystwyth as an independent co-operative press publishing the work of women in Wales.
Withers, D-M. “Honno: The Welsh Women’s Press and the Cultural Ecology of the Welsh Publishing Industry, c. 1950s to the Present”. Women: a cultural review, Vol.
, No. 3-4, 23 Dec. 2021, pp. 354-71. 355, 357
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