Jane Austen Society


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Joanna Trollope
Her father, Arthur George Cecil Trollope, always known as Tony, was a classically-educated businessman who built up the City of London Building Society (later merged with the Chelsea Building Society) from a small...
Occupation Lady Cynthia Asquith
Meanwhile she prepared to receive evacuees from London, and volunteered for first aid work, nursing, and night shifts with the ARP (Air Raid Precaution).
Beauman, Nicola. Cynthia Asquith. Hamish Hamilton, 1987.
After the war she became a member both of...
Occupation Lady Cynthia Asquith
For her three weeks' work in this capacity she earned ¥900. She did even better in spring 1957 by appearing on an ITV quiz programme, the $64,000 Question, to answer questions on the novels...
Occupation Elizabeth Jenkins
EJ was one of the founders of the Jane Austen Society, launched in 1940. She campaigned for the purchase (achieved in 1947) of the cottage at Chawton in Hampshire where Austen lived for her...
Reception Jane Austen
Austen's status in the English-speaking world is not so far equalled among, for instance, French speakers. Valérie Cossy noted in March 2006 that (largely on account of inaccurate and inadequate translations) [v]ery few people in...
Reception Elizabeth Jenkins
EJ was happy that this book led to her involvement with the founding of the Jane Austen Society (in a campaign headed by a local resident, Dorothy Darnwell) and the purchase of Jane Austen's...
Textual Production P. D. James
PDJ gave the annual lecture to the Jane Austen Society at Chawton House in Hampshire (where Austen was a regular visitor); it was entitled Emma Considered as a Detective Story.
James, P. D. Time to Be in Earnest. Faber and Faber, 1999.
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Textual Production Elizabeth Jenkins
Twenty years later, holidaying in Derbyshire, EJ discovered that local legend, enshrined in guidebooks, insisted that Jane Austen had visited the area and had based her Mr Darcy's Pemberley on the palatial Chatsworth House...


22 July 1949: The house in the village of Chawton in Hampshire...

Women writers item

22 July 1949

The house in the village of Chawton in Hampshire where Jane Austen lived with her mother and sister from 1809 until her death was opened to the public, having been bought for three thousand pounds...


No bibliographical results available.