Primrose League


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Benjamin Disraeli
His death date became known as Primrose Day, from his association with the spring flower which he was said to love.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
In November 1883 the Primrose League was formed as a Conservative organization.
politics Frances Power Cobbe
Firmly committed to doing everything in [her] power to protect the property, the persons and the parental rights of women,
Cobbe, Frances Power. Life of Frances Power Cobbe. Houghton, Mifflin, 1894, 2 vols.
2: 526
FPC was involved in the women's suffrage campaign from its inception in 1866...
politics Emily Faithfull
EF joined the South Manchester Primrose Habitation , a Manchester association connected with the Primrose League , an organization which promoted Conservative Party principles.
Stone, James S. Emily Faithfull: Victorian Champion of Women’s Rights. P. D. Meany, 1994.
Walker, Linda. “Party Political Women: A Comparative Study of Liberal Women and the Primrose League, 1890-1914”. Equal or Different: Women’s Politics 1800-1914, edited by Jane Rendall, Basil Blackwell, 1987, pp. 165-91.
166, 170-1
politics Dorothy Richardson
With varying degrees of commitment (usually minor), Richardson immersed herself in various philosophical movements of the period. She did much of her reading at the British Museum 's Reading Room, which she revered, but elsewhere...


1880s: Many local Women's Liberal Associations ...

National or international item


Many local Women's Liberal Association s formed.
Walker, Linda. “Party Political Women: A Comparative Study of Liberal Women and the Primrose League, 1890-1914”. Equal or Different: Women’s Politics 1800-1914, edited by Jane Rendall, Basil Blackwell, 1987, pp. 165-91.
Stone, James S. Emily Faithfull: Victorian Champion of Women’s Rights. P. D. Meany, 1994.

1884: Tory women were admitted to the newly founded...

National or international item


Tory women were admitted to the newly founded Primrose League .
Walker, Linda. “Party Political Women: A Comparative Study of Liberal Women and the Primrose League, 1890-1914”. Equal or Different: Women’s Politics 1800-1914, edited by Jane Rendall, Basil Blackwell, 1987, pp. 165-91.
166, 170-1

1912: The Primrose League claimed to have almost...

National or international item


The Primrose League claimed to have almost 500,000 women members; the Women's Liberal Federation and the Women's National Liberal Association had 150,000 members between the two.
Hannam, June. “Women and Politics”. Women’s History: Britain, 1850-1945, edited by June Purvis, University College London Press, 1995, pp. 217-45.
Hollis, Patricia. Ladies Elect: Women in English Local Government, 1865-1914. Clarendon, 1987.


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