Kingsley Martin

Standard Name: Martin, Kingsley


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Occupation Margaret Haig, Viscountess Rhondda
By 1930, Kingsley Martin , editor of New Statesman and Nation, noted that Time and Tide was one of the leading British weeklies. It was read by the leaders of the country, including Prime...
Residence Stella Benson
During this visit to London, SB met many cultural, political, and social figures, including Wyndham Lewis (who drew a sketch of her), David Garnett , Kingsley Martin , Charles Morgan , Phyllis Bottome ,...


1930: Kingsley Martin took over from Clifford Sharp...

Writing climate item


Kingsley Martin took over from Clifford Sharp as editor of the New Statesman; in the same year it merged with The Nation to form the New Statesman and Nation.


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