Arthur Ransome

Standard Name: Ransome, Arthur


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Margaret Forster
As a very small child MF was noisy and demanding and given to tantrums.
Forster, Margaret. Hidden Lives. Viking.
At two she talked in long sentences . . . and never stopped asking questions and wanting to try to...
Education Dervla Murphy
DM was a passionate reader as a child, devouring children's adventure books (especially series like W. E. Johns 's Biggles and Arthur Ransome 's Swallows and Amazons), rejecting classical stories like those of Louisa Alcott
Education Fay Weldon
FW learned to read at three: I remember . . . the way the letters suddenly made sense.
Weldon, Fay. Auto da Fay. Flamingo.
After her grandmother joined the family in 1942 she was able to borrow adult books from...
Friends, Associates Nina Hamnett
At this time NH also became acquainted through a mutual friend with the writer Arthur Ransome ; he fondly nicknamed her Ham or Mademoiselle de Jambon.
Hamnett, Nina. Laughing Torso. Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, Inc.
Hooker, Denise. Nina Hamnett: queen of bohemia. Constable and Company Limited.
Recounting a night out on the...
Literary responses Annie Keary
The children of Charles Kingsley (whose own The Heroes, re-telling Greek mythological stories, had appeared a year before The Heroes of Asgard), were particularly keen on the Keary Norse collection.
Keary, Eliza. Memoir of Annie Keary. Macmillan.
A reprint...
Textual Production E. Arnot Robertson
Pin Mill (on the river Orwell, almost an appendage of the larger village of Chelmondiston) is proud of its association with this novel, though EAR takes second place in its publicity to We...


1936: The Library Association (backed by the Carnegie...

Writing climate item


The Library Association (backed by the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust ) established the annual Carnegie Medal for an outstanding book for children published in Britain.


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