Thomas Amory

Standard Name: Amory, Thomas


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Fictionalization Constantia Grierson
CG 's professional reputation during her lifetime was that of a prodigy. Even Laetitia Pilkington shared this view: her Learning appeared like the Gift poured out on the Apostles, of speaking all Languages, without the...
Friends, Associates Constantia Grierson
CG was a friend from their adolescence of the young women who became the poets Mary Barber and Laetitia Pilkington . Their shared friendship with Jonathan Swift has been an element in preserving some memory...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Singer Rowe
ESR enjoyed important friendships from around the age of twenty with Anne Finch, Lady Winchilsea , and Lady Hertford . Finch was twelve years older than ESR , and Hertford twenty-five years younger. They each...
Literary responses Mary Jones
Catherine Talbot found Holt Waters and A Letter to Doctor Pitt indelicate and was surprised that Carter liked MJ 's poetry.
Kennedy, Deborah. Poetic Sisters. Early Eighteenth-Century Women Poets. Bucknell University Press.
The collection was warmly praised by Ralph Griffiths in the Monthly Review:...


By July 1755: Thomas Amory published Memoirs of the Lives...

Writing climate item

By July 1755

Thomas Amory published Memoirs of the Lives of Several Ladies of Great Britain (an odd, ragbag work which is not, however, history or biography, but is generally classed as a novel).


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