H. S. King


Connections Author name Sort descending Excerpt
Textual Production Mary Linskill
ML published with H. S. King , under her pseudonym of Stephen Yorke, her first novel, Cleveden, in two volumes.
Stamp, Cordelia. Mary Linskill. Caedmon of Whitby.
prelims, 70
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.


1856: Margaret Agnes Colvile, future wife of publisher...

Women writers item


Margaret Agnes Colvile , future wife of publisher Charles Kegan Paul , published her first two novels: Dorothy: A Tale and DeCressy.

October 1877: Charles Kegan Paul arranged to purchase the...

Writing climate item

October 1877

Charles Kegan Paul arranged to purchase the publishing firm of his employer H. S. King to form Kegan Paul and Co.


Dempster, Charlotte. Blue Roses. H. S. King, 1877.
Gilbert, Ann Taylor. Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert. Editor Gilbert, Josiah, H. S. King, 1874, http://U of A, HSS Ruth N .
Ingelow, Jean. Off the Skelligs. H. S. King, 1872.
Laffan, May. Hogan, M.P. H. S. King, 1876.
Linskill, Mary. Cleveden. H. S. King, 1876.