William Hunt


Connections Author name Sort descending Excerpt
Textual Production Mary Anne Barker
MAB 's Houses and Housekeeping: A Fireside Gossip Upon Home and Its Comforts, issued through publisher William HuntWilliam Hunt , was based on articles that had appeared in Evening Hours.
OCLC WorldCat. http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
Gilderdale, Betty. The Seven Lives of Lady Barker. Canterbury University Press.
Publishing Mary Anne Barker
She followed this in 1878 with The Bedroom and the Boudoir, also extracted from Evening Hours but issued not through William Hunt (which had antogonised her by sloppy production of the periodical during her...
Publishing Mary Anne Barker
This appeared not from Macmillan as usual, but through William Hunt , publisher of Evening Hours. Reprints have included a Tauchnitz edition the year after first publication and New Zealand editions (issued at Christchurch...


No timeline events available.


Barker, Mary Anne. Houses and Housekeeping. William Hunt, 1876.
Elliott, Charlotte. Thoughts in Verse on Sacred Subjects. William Hunt, 1871.