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Womack, Philip. “Kehua! by Fay Weldon: review”. Telegraph, 9 Aug. 2010.
Woman Correspondent, A. “12 January 1921, Women’s new sphere jury service”. Guardian Weekly, 13 Jan. 2012, p. 22.
Women’s Library,. “Appendix 1.4 (1FME): Female Middle Class Emigration Society (FMCES)”. The Women’s Library, 1 Mar. 2006.
Womens Quarterly Meeting for the County of York (Society of Friends),. An Epistle from the Womens Quarterly Meeting for the County of York. James Phillips, 1782.
Wonder, Simon. “An adorable explorer”. Guardian Weekly, 4 Dec. 2015, pp. 36-7.
Woo, Catherine. “Sarah Siddons’s Performances as Hamlet: Breaching the Breeches Part”. European Romantic Review, Vol.
, No. 5, Dec. 2007, pp. 573-95.
Wood, Alan. The Groundnut Affair. Bodley Head, 1950.
Wood, Alfred C. A History of the Levant Company. Oxford University Press, 1935.
Wood, C. W. Memorials of Mrs. Henry Wood. Third, R. Bentley and Son, 1895.
Wood, Clive. Sex and Fertility. Thames and Hudson, 1969.
Wood, Clive. Vasectomy and Sterilization. Temple Smith, 1974.
Wood, Eden Carter. “Diva’s Top 5 Books of the Year”. Diva Magazine, 21 Dec. 2012.
Wood, Ellen. A Life’s Secret. Charles W. Wood, 1867, 2 vols.
Wood, Ellen. Ashley, and Other Stories. R. Bentley and Sons, 1897.
Wood, Ellen. Danesbury House. Scottish Temperance League, 1860.
Wood, Ellen. East Lynne. R. Bentley, 1861, 3 vols.
Wood, Ellen, and Sally Mitchell. East Lynne. Rutgers University Press, 1984.
Wood, Ellen. Edina. R. Bentley, 1876, 3 vols.
Wood, Ellen. Edina. R. Bentley and Son, 1889.
Wood, Ellen. Elster’s Folly. Tinsley Brothers, 1866, 3 vols.
Wood, Ellen. Johnny Ludlow. R. Bentley, 1874, 3 vols.
Wood, Ellen. Johnny Ludlow, Second Series. R. Bentley and Son, 1889.
Wood, Ellen. Lady Grace, and Other Stories. R. Bentley and Son, 1887, 3 vols.
Wood, Ellen. Mildred Arkell. Tinsley, 1865, 3 vols.
Wood, Ellen. Mrs. Halliburton’s Troubles. R. Bentley, 1862, 3 vols.
Wood, Ellen. Roland Yorke. R. Bentley, 1869, 3 vols.
Wood, Ellen. “Seven Years in the Wedded Life of a Roman Catholic”. The New Monthly Magazine, Vol.
, Feb. 1851, pp. 245-55.
Wood, Ellen. St. Martin’s Eve. Tinsley, 1866, 3 vols.
Wood, Ellen. The Channings. Ward, Lock.
Wood, Ellen. The Channings. R. Bentley, 1862, 3 vols.
Wood, Ellen. The Shadow of Ashlydyat. R. Bentley, 1863, 3 vols.
Wood, Ellen. Verner’s Pride. B. Tauchnitz, 1863, 3 vols.
Wood, Emma Caroline, and Anna Steele. Ephemera. Edward Moxon, 1865.
Wood, Emma Caroline. Leaves from the Poets’ Laurels. E. Moxon, Son, 1869.
Wood, Emma Caroline. On Credit. Chapman and Hall, 1870, 2 vols.
Wood, Emma Caroline. Rosewarn. 1866, 3 vols.
Wood, Emma Caroline. Sabina. Chapman and Hall, 1868, 3 vols.
Wood, Emma Caroline. Seadrift. Chapman and Hall, 1871, 3 vols.
Wood, Emma Caroline. Sorrow on the Sea. Tinsley Brothers, 1868, 3 vols.
Wood, Emma Caroline. Up Hill. Chapman and Hall, 1873, 3 vols.
Wood, Emma Caroline. Youth on the Prow. Chapman and Hall, 1879, 3 vols.
Wood, Gillen D’Arcy. “’Have You Met Miss Ford?’ or, Accomplishment Revisited”. European Romantic Review, Vol.
, No. 3, June 2012, pp. 183-91.
Wood, Heloise. “’Lost’ manuscripts of Charlotte Brontë to be published”. The Bookseller, 22 Mar. 2018.
Wood, James. “Can this be what happened to Lord Lucan after the night of 7 November 1974”. London Review of Books, 7 Sept. 2000, pp. 12-13.
Wood, James. “Phut-Phut”. London Review of Books, 27 June 2002, pp. 11-12.
Wood, James. “Tell me how does it feel?”., 6 Oct. 2001.
Wood, James. “Watering the Dust”. London Review of Books, 30 Sept. 1999, pp. 42-4.
Wood, Jane. Passion and Pathology in Victorian Fiction. Oxford University Press, 2001.
Wood, Jeanne. “Alphabetically Arranged: Mary Hayss Female Biography and the Biographical Dictionary”. Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 June 1998– 2025, pp. 117-42.
Wood, Marilyn. Rhoda Broughton: Profile of a Novelist. Paul Watkins, 1993.