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M’Call, Hardy Bertram, editor. Story of the Family of Wandesforde of Kirklington & Castlecomer. Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1904.
M., J. “Literary News From England”. The New York Times, 6 Aug. 1911, p. BR482.
Housman, A. E. “Editorial Materials”. The Letters of A. E. Housman, edited by Henry Maas, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1971, p. various pages.
Maas, Jeremy. Victorian Painters. Barrie and Jenkins, 1978.
Maathai, Wangari. “From one seed we have grown a more democratic Africa”. Guardian Weekly, 12–18 Nov. 2004, p. 32.
Maathai, Wangari. Unbowed. A Memoir. Arrow Books, 2007.
Mabon, Jim. “Europe’s African Heritage in the Creative Work of Maud Sulter”. Research in African Literatures: The African Diaspora and Its Origins, edited by Polly T. Rewt and Polly T. Rewt, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Dec.–28 Feb. 1998, pp. 148-55.
Macalpine, Ida, and Richard Hunter. George III and the Mad-Business. Allen Lane, 1969.
MacAskill, Ewen et al. “Barack Obama to be America’s first black president”. The Guardian, 5 Nov. 2008.
MacAskill, Ewen. “Bush: The battle in Iraq is noble, it is necessary and it is just”. Guardian Unlimited, 20 Mar. 2008.
MacAskill, Ewen. “Liz Taylor made Dame in ’showbiz’ honours”. Guardian Weekly, 6 Jan. 2000, p. 8.
Macaulay, Catharine. A Modest Plea for the Property of Copy Right. R. Cruttwell, 1774.
Macaulay, Catharine. A Treatise on the Immutability of Moral Truth. A. Hamilton, Jr., 1783.
Macaulay, Catharine. An Address to the People of England, Scotland, and Ireland, on the present Important Crisis of Affairs. R. Cruttwell, 1775.
Macaulay, Catharine. Histoire d’Angleterre. Translator Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel, Chez Gattey, 1792, 5 vols.
Macaulay, Catharine. Letters on Education. Dilly, 1790.
Macaulay, Catharine. Loose Remarks on Certain Positions. T. Davies, T. Cadell, and others, 1767.
Macaulay, Catharine. Observations on a Pamphlet. Edward and Charles Dilly, 1770.
Macaulay, Catharine. Observations on the Reflections of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, on the Revolution in France. C. Dilly, 1790.
Macaulay, Catharine. The History of England. J. Nourse and others, 1783, 8 vols.
Macaulay, Catharine. The History of England from the Revolution to the Present Time. R. Cruttwell, 1778.
Macaulay, Rose. A Casual Commentary. Methuen, 1925.
Macaulay, Rose. Abbots Verney. John Murray, 1906.
Macaulay, Rose. And No Man’s Wit. Collins, 1940.
Macaulay, Rose. Catchwords and Claptrap. Hogarth Press.
Macaulay, Rose. Crewe Train. Collins, 1926.
Macaulay, Rose. Dangerous Ages. Collins, 1921.
Macaulay, Rose. Fabled Shore: From the Pyrenees to Portugal. Hamish Hamilton, 1949.
Macaulay, Rose. Keeping Up Appearances. W. Collins, 1928.
Macaulay, Rose. Last Letters to a Friend, 1952-1958. Editor Babington Smith, Constance, Collins, 1962.
Macaulay, Rose. Letters to a Friend from Rose Macaulay 1950-1952. Editor Babington Smith, Constance, Fontana, 1968.
Macaulay, Rose. Letters to a Friend, 1950-1952. Editor Babington Smith, Constance, Collins, 1961.
Macaulay, Rose. Letters to a Sister from Rose Macaulay. Editor Babington Smith, Constance, Collins, 1964.
Macaulay, Rose. Milton. Duckworth, 1934.
Macaulay, Rose. Mystery at Geneva. Collins, 1922.
Macaulay, Rose. Non-Combatants and Others. Hodder and Stoughton, 1916.
Macaulay, Rose. Orphan Island. W. Collins, 1924.
Macaulay, Rose. Personal Pleasures. Victor Gollancz, 1935.
Macaulay, Rose. Pleasure of Ruins. Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1953.
Macaulay, Rose. Potterism. Collins.
Macaulay, Rose. Some Religious Elements in English Literature. Hogarth Press, 1931.
Macaulay, Rose. Staying with Relations. W. Collins, 1930.
Macaulay, Rose. “The First Impact of The Waste LandT.S. Eliot: A Symposium for his Seventieth Birthday, edited by Neville Braybrooke, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1958.
Macaulay, Rose. The Furnace. John Murray, 1907.
Macaulay, Rose. The Lee Shore. Hodder and Stoughton, 1912.
Macaulay, Rose. The Making of a Bigot. Hodder and Stoughton, 1914.
Macaulay, Rose. The Towers of Trebizond. Collins, 1956.
Macaulay, Rose. The Two Blind Countries. Sidgwick and Jackson, 1914.
Macaulay, Rose. The World My Wilderness. Collins, 1950.
Macaulay, Rose. The Writings of E. M. Forster. Hogarth Press, 1938.