
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

A Friend to Social Order,. Thoughts on Marriage, and Criminal Conversation. Rivington, 1799.
A Lady,. A Sketch of Modern France. Editor Moody, Christopher Lake, Cadell and Davies, 1798.
A Lover of Philalethes, and Florence Farr. A Short Enquiry Concerning the Hermetic Art. Theosophical Publishing Society, 1894.
A Medical Woman, A Girl and A Wife, and Cyril Charlie Martindale. ’Into Their Company’: A Book for a Modern Girl on Love and Marriage. Burns Oates, and Washbourne, 1931.
A Novel-Reader,. “Mrs. Henry Wood’s Novels”. English Woman’s Journal, Vol.
, No. 61, Mar. 1863, pp. 60-6.
A. K. G.,. The Yoga of Christ; or, the Science of the Soul. Editor Müller, Henrietta, Theosophical Publishing Society, 1894.
A. L.,. “The ’Favourite of Nature’”. Notes and Queries, Vol.
4th ser. 21
, 23 May 1868, p. 481.
Aalders, Cynthia Y. To Express the Ineffable: the Hymns and Spirituality of Anne Steele. Paternoster, 2008.
Aaron, Jane. A Double Singleness. Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press, 1991.
Aaron, Jane. “Introduction”. A View Across the Valley, edited by Jane Aaron, Honno, 1999, p. ix - xx.
Aaron, Jane. “Introduction”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, 23 Jan. 2017, pp. 389-97.
Aaron, Jane. “The Rise and Fall of the ’Noble Savage’ in Ann of Swansea’s Welsh Fictions”. Romantic Textualities: Literature and Print Culture, 1780-1840, issue 22, 1 Mar.–31 May 2017.
Abate, Michelle Ann. “Constructing Modernist Lesbian Affect from Late Victorian Masculine Emotionalism: Willa Cathers Tommy, The Unsentimental and J. M. Barries Sentimental TommyWomens Writing, Vol.
, No. 4, Nov. 2011, pp. 468-85.
Abbot, Willis John. Notable Women in History. Greening, 1913.
Abbott, Craig S. Marianne Moore: A Descriptive Bibliography. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1977.
Abbott, John L. “Review of William Zachs, The First John Murray and the Late Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, 1998”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 495-03.
Abdullah, Shaila. “Muneeza Shamsie: An inspiring mother”. Cayenne Lit, 29 May 2009.
Abdy, Maria. Poetry. Printed for private circulation by J. Robins and Sons, 1862, 8 vols.
Abel-Smith, Brian. A History of the Nursing Profession. Heinemann, 1960.
Abelard, Peter, and Héloïse. Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Translator Hughes, John, 1677 - 1720, J. Watts, 1713.
Abelard, Peter et al. Petri Abaelardi, Sancti Gildasii in Britannia abbatis, et Heloisae coniugis eius, quae postmodum prima coenobii paraclitensis abbatissa fuit, Opera. Editor Du Chesne, André, Nicolai Buon, 1616.
Abelard, Peter, and Héloïse. The Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Translator Radice, Betty, Penguin, 1974.
Abell, Stephen. “Zadie Smith’s collection of characters”. Times Online: Times Literary Supplement, 21 Nov. 2007.
Abercrombie, Ralph. “A Qualified Tribute”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 2598, 16 Nov. 1951, p. 724.
Aberdeen, Ishbel Maria Gordon, Marchioness of, editor. Women in Industrial Life: The International Congress of Women of 1899. T. Fisher Unwin, 1900.
Abergavenny, Frances Neville, Baroness. “The Praiers made by the right Honourable Ladie Frances Aburgavennie”. The Monument of Matrones, edited by Thomas Bentley, Printed by H. Denham, 1582, pp. 139-13.
Aberth, Susan L. “’An allergy to collaboration’: the early formation of Leonora Carrington’s artistic vision”. Leonora Carrington and the international avant-garde, edited by Jonathan P. Eburne et al., Manchester University Press, 2017, pp. 20-38.
Aberth, Susan L. Leonora Carrington: Surrealism, Alchemy and Art. Lund Humphries, 2010.
Abrahams, Beth-Zion. “Grace Aguilar: A Centenary Tribute”. Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England, Vol.
, 1952, pp. 137-48.
Abram, Nicola. “Sensory Signification in Juniper’s Whitening and Victimese”. Telling it Slant: Critical Approaches to Helen Oyeyemi, Sussex Academic Press, 2017, pp. 93-112.
Abrams, Rebecca. “Holy fact, holy fiction”. The New Statesman, Vol.
, No. 5121, 3 Sept. 2012, pp. 41-3.
Abrams, Steve. “Hashish Fudge. The Times Advertisement and the Wootton Report”. Drug War Chronicle: Schaffer Library of Drug Policy, 7 Apr. 1993.
Clifford, Lady Anne. “Introduction / Annotations / Bibliography”. The Diary of Anne Clifford, 1616-1619, edited by Katherine O. Acheson, Garland, 1995, pp. 1 - 37, 133.
Achterberg, Isabell. “’A thing inferior to manhood’: Minerva Press writer Amelia Beauclerk (un)writes Men”. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, Boston, MA.
Ackland, Michael. Henry Handel Richardson: A Life. Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Ackland, Valentine. Country Conditions. Lawrence and Wishart, 1936.
Ackland, Valentine. “Country Dealings”. Left Review, Mar. 1935.
Ackland, Valentine. For Sylvia: An Honest Account. Chatto and Windus, 1985.
Ackland, Valentine. Further Poems of Valentine Ackland. Welmont Publishing, 1978.
Ackland, Valentine. Journey From Winter. Editor Bingham, Frances, Carcanet Press, 2008.
Ackland, Valentine. Later Poems. Editor Warner, Sylvia Townsend, Privately printed by Clare, Son, 1970.
Ackland, Valentine. The Nature of the Moment. Chatto and Windus, 1973.
Ackland, Valentine. The Nature of the Moment. New Directions, 1974.
Ackland, Valentine. Twenty-Eight Poems. Privately printed by Clare, Son and Company, 1957.
Ackroyd, Peter. “Behind the Book”. The London Library Magazine, No. 4, 1 June 2009– 2025, p. 11.
Ackroyd, Peter. Dickens. HarperCollins, 1990.
Ackroyd, Peter. T.S. Eliot. Hamish Hamilton, 1984.
Acland, Alice. Caroline Norton. Constable, 1948.
Adam, David. “The day the sky exploded”. Guardian Weekly, 7–13 Aug. 2003, p. 24.
Adams, Abigail, and John, 1735 - 1826 Adams. My Dearest Friend Letters of Abigail and John Adams. Editors Hogan, Margaret A. and James C. Taylor, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007.