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Whipple, Dorothy. Because of the Lockwoods. John Murray, 1949.
Whipple, Dorothy. Because of the Lockwoods. Peoples Book Club, 1949.
Whipple, Dorothy. Every Good Deed. John Murray, 1946.
Whipple, Dorothy. Greenbanks. John Murray, 1932.
Whipple, Dorothy. High Wages. John Murray, 1930, p. 316 pp.
Whipple, Dorothy. Random Commentary. Michael Joseph, 1966.
Whipple, Dorothy. Someone at a Distance. John Murray, 1953.
Whipple, Dorothy. The Other Day. Michael Joseph, 1936.
Whipple, Dorothy. The Other Day. Large Print Edition, Cedric Chivers, 1976.
Whipple, Dorothy. The Priory. John Murray, 1939.
Whipple, Dorothy. The Priory. Persephone Books, 2003, p. 528 pp.
Whipple, Dorothy. They Knew Mr. Knight. John Murray, 1934.
Whipple, Dorothy. They Were Sisters. John Murray, 1943.
Whipple, Dorothy. Young Anne. Jonathan Cape, 1927, p. .
Whipple, Nancy. Carrying the Torch: Maud Howe Elliot and the American Renaissance. University Press of New England, 2014.
Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. The Collected Poems of Mary Coleridge, edited by Theresa Whistler, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1954, pp. 21-81.
Whitaker, David. “Heresy!”. The Author, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Dec.–28 Feb. 2001, pp. 160-1.
Whitaker, Steve. “Any Change? Poetry In A Hostile Environment”. Yorkshire Times, edited by Ian Duhig,
Lister, Anne. “Introduction”. I Know My Own Heart, edited by Helena Whitbread, New York University Press, 1992, p. xxiii - xxix.
Whitby, Joy. “In Memory of Jennifer Hinton (Dawson 1949)”. The Ship, Vol.
, 2001–2002, pp. 54-5.
White, Anne. “Persons Case: A Struggle for Legal Definition & Personhood”. Alberta History, Vol.
, No. 3, 1 June 1999– 2025, pp. 2-9.
White, Antonia. “A Child of the Five Wounds”. The Old School, edited by Graham Greene, Oxford University Press, 1984, pp. 209-26.
Maupassant, Guy de. A Woman’s Life. Translator White, Antonia, Hamish Hamilton, 1949.
White, Antonia. Antonia White: Diaries 1926-1957. Editor Chitty, Susan, Constable, 1991.
White, Antonia. As Once in May. Editor Chitty, Susan, Virago, 1983.
White, Antonia. BBC at War. BBC, 1942.
White, Antonia. Beyond the Glass. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1954.
White, Antonia. Diaries 1958-1979. Editor Chitty, Susan, Constable, 1992.
White, Antonia. “Epitaph”. The Booster, Apr. 1938.
White, Antonia. Frost in May. Desmond Harmsworth, 1933.
White, Antonia. “Strangers”. New Statesman and Nation, Apr. 1928.
White, Antonia. Strangers. Harvill Press, 1954.
Colette,. The Complete Claudine. Translator White, Antonia, Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1976.
White, Antonia. The Hound and the Falcon. Longmans, 1965.
White, Antonia. “The House of Clouds”. Delta: Special Peace and Dismemberment Number with Jitterbug-Shag Requiem, 1 June 1938– 2025.
White, Antonia. The Lost Traveller. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1950.
White, Antonia. The Sugar House. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1952.
White, Antonia. Three in a Room. Samuel French, 1947.
White, Chris. “Flesh and Roses: Michael Field’s Metaphors of Pleasure and Desire”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 1, 1996, pp. 47-62.
White, Cynthia L. Women’s Magazines 1693-1968. Michael Joseph, 1970.
White, Daniel E. “The Joineriana: Anna Barbauld, the Aikin Family Circle, and the Dissenting Public Sphere”. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 4, 1999, pp. 511-33.
White, Dorothy. A Diligent Search amongst Rulers, Priests, Professors, and People. 1659.
White, Dorothy. A Lamentation unto this Nation. Robert Wilson, 1660.
White, Dorothy. An Epistle of Love, and of Consolation unto Israel, from the pouring forth of Spirit, and holy anointing of the Father. Robert Wilson, 1661.
White, Dorothy. To all those that Worship in Temples made with Hands. 1663.
White, Dorothy. Upon the 22 Day of the 8th Month, 1659. Thomas Simmons, 1659.
White, Edmund. “A Thousand and One Japanese Nights”. The New York Times, 3 Mar. 1996.
White, Elizabeth. The Experiences of God’s Gracious Dealing with Mrs. Elizabeth White. S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1741.
White, Elizabeth. The Experiences of Gods Gracious Dealing with Mrs. Elizabeth White. Robert Sanders, 1696.
White, Elizabeth Wade. Anne Bradstreet, "the tenth muse". Oxford University Press, 1971.