Wither, George
Withering, William
Witherington, Pearl
Withers, Charles W. J.
Withey, Elizabeth
Withy, Robert
Witkin, Jeannie
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wittig, Monique
Wittingham, Charles,, the elder
Wittingham, Charles,, the younger
Wittreich, Joseph
Witty, Frank
Witty, John Francis
Witz, Anne
Woddis, Carole
Wodehouse, John,,, first Baron
Wodehouse, Sir P. G.
Wodhull, Michael
Woffington, Margaret
Wofford, George
Wofford, Ramah
Wogan, Charles
Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn
Wohl, Anthony S.
Wöhler, Friedrich
Woischnick, Hanns
Wójcik, Bartosz
Wojcik, Emily
Wojtczak, Helena
Wolcot, John
Wolf, Abby
Wolf, Joseph
Wolf, Naomi
Wolf, Sylvia
Wolfe Murray, Angus
Wolfe Murray, Stephanie
Wolfe, Charles
Wolfe, Heather
Wolfe, Humbert
Wolfe, James
Wolfe, Peter
Wolfe, Robert M.
Wolfe, Thomas
Wolfe, Tom
Wolfenden, Sir John
Wolferstan, Elizabeth Pipe
Wolferstan, Samuel Pipe
Wolff, Cynthia Griffin
Wolff, Helen