Here you’ll find a list of all people tagged in the textbase, organized alphabetically by surname or title. Clicking on a person’s name will take you to their entity page, which includes such features as dates of birth and death, names and titles used, select bibliographies, images, links to author profiles, and information about their relationships with authors who have profiles, where applicable. The pages’ length and content vary according to the depth of Orlando’s material about each subject.
Entity pages for people tagged in Orlando also include timeline content. If a person is tagged in the title of an event the connection will be visible but if it is in the prose or a citation on the separate page for the event (such as those shown on Fleur Adcock’s entity page), it will not be. To see an event in its entirety, simply click on it.
Note, too, that this area of the textbase is more than 700 pages long. You can narrow your search by using the alphabetical index or entering all or part of a person’s name in the search box on the upper-right corner of this page.