Emily Coleman

Standard Name: Coleman, Emily
Used Form: Emily Holmes Coleman


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Djuna Barnes
DB 's sexuality was complex, and not easily defined. She had many affairs with both men and women, most notably Thelma Wood . Her biographers have called her basically heterosexual
Field, Andrew. Djuna: The Formidable Miss Barnes. University of Texas, 1985.
and bisexual—more so in...
Friends, Associates Antonia White
In Chelsea AW formed a friendship with the painter Eliot Seabrooke , a large and centred personality
qtd. in
Dunn, Jane. Antonia White: A Life. Jonathan Cape, 1998.
who supplied an oasis of sanity in her life and helped her to sort out her opinions...
Friends, Associates Mary Wesley
Even when they lived in a remote spot, the Siepmanns' circle of close literary friends included Nancy Mitford , Graham Greene , Antonia White , and Emily Coleman .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
When MW became successful as a...
Friends, Associates Dylan Thomas
DT 's huge roster of friends in London included the American writer Emily Holmes Coleman and his most significant early patron, Edith Sitwell . Before Sitwell reviewed his early poems he had mocked her in...
Occupation Djuna Barnes
She spent much of her time in these years painting, including portraits of her friends Alice Rohrer and Emily Coleman .
Herring, Phillip. Djuna: The Life and Work of Djuna Barnes. Penguin, 1995.
Residence Djuna Barnes
She first stayed with her mother, and then spent two months with Emily Coleman on a working ranch in Arizona. Neither arrangement was successful.
Herring, Phillip. Djuna: The Life and Work of Djuna Barnes. Penguin, 1995.
248, 250
Textual Production Djuna Barnes
DB had tried to find a publisher for Nightwood while she was living in New York, but the manuscript was turned down repeatedly. Emily Coleman suggested revisions, which Barnes carried out. Coleman also exploited literary...
Textual Production Antonia White
The doctor, said Emily Coleman , often saved lives and refused money from those who could not afford to pay.
Dunn, Jane. Antonia White: A Life. Jonathan Cape, 1998.
AW , who was suicidal at the time, wrote: This is the first death...
Textual Production Mary Wesley
When Virago Press reprinted The Shutter of Snow by MW 's friend Emily Holmes Coleman in 1981, Carmen Callil (though she had just rejected what eventually became Wesley's first adult novel) invited her to share...
Travel Djuna Barnes
Other visitors to Hayford Hall included Antonia White and Emily Coleman . DB also spent the summer of 1933 there.
Field, Andrew. Djuna: The Formidable Miss Barnes. University of Texas, 1985.
195-6, 198
Herring, Phillip. Djuna: The Life and Work of Djuna Barnes. Penguin, 1995.


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