Mary Ann's maternal uncle John FitzGibbon, first Earl of Clare
(1748-28 January 1802), a lawyer like his father, became Lord Chancellor of Ireland in 1789. Earl of Clare from 1795, he acquired the English title...
Textual Production
Henrietta Battier
flaunts the animus of her firm, though female pen
Battier, Henrietta. The Gibbonade. 3 pt.
2: 27
against John, Baron Fitzgibbon (later Earl of Clare)
, who promoted Irish Union with England and opposed the rights of Catholics.
10 July 1793: In the Irish House of Lords Lord Chancellor...
National or international item
10 July 1793
In the Irish House of Lords
Lord Chancellor Fitzgibbon
accused Wolfe Tone
(on the basis of a letter written two years previously) of favouring Irish separatism.
Tone, Theobald Wolfe. The Writings of Theobald Wolfe Tone, 1763-1798. Editors Moody, Theodore William et al., Clarendon, 1998, 2 vols.