Falconer Madan

Standard Name: Madan, Falconer


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Health Judith Cowper Madan
JCM suffered from depression, and during the early years of her marriage she had several breakdowns.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Falconer Madan deduces a threatened breakdown from letters of 1743-5 which repeatedly reproach her husband for fancied [sic] neglect...
Literary responses Judith Cowper Madan
John Duncombe praised The Progress of Poetry. The Critical reviewer found in it pure description, perspicuity, and an easy flow of verse, but not brilliancy of fancy or orginality of thought.
If pure description...
Literary responses Judith Cowper Madan
Roger Lonsdale in 1990 followed Falconer Madan in supposing that her child-bearing and the influence of John Wesley and the Methodists amounted to sufficient explanation for her ceasing to write. Valerie Rumbold suggested in 1996...
Literary responses Judith Cowper Madan
Falconer Madan calls the writing of this poem in parts weak and faulty.
Madan, Falconer. The Madan Family. Oxford University Press, 1933.
Literary responses Judith Cowper Madan
Falconer Madan wrote that this poem had in parts real merit—which for him is high praise.
Madan, Falconer. The Madan Family. Oxford University Press, 1933.
Valerie Rumbold has observed that JCM 's Abelard voices her own anxiety for moral closure
Rumbold, Valerie. “The Poetic Career of Judith Cowper: An Exemplary Failure?”. Pope, Swift, and Women Writers, edited by Donald C. Mell, University of Delaware Press, 1996, pp. 48-66.
Textual Production Judith Cowper Madan
Several more love-poems survive from 1724-5; JCM 's poems in this genre were considered by Falconer Madan her best.
Madan, Falconer. The Madan Family. Oxford University Press, 1933.
Another of 1725 was composed, she says, in sleep, when she had dreamed she was...


1895: Falconer Madan, librarian of the Bodleian...

Writing climate item


Falconer Madan , librarian of the Bodleian Library at Oxford, published two important studies of printing presses.
Clair, Colin. A Chronology of Printing. Cassell, 1969.
Myers, Robin. The British Book Trade, from Caxton to the Present Day. Andre Deutsch in association with the National Book League, 1973.


Madan, Falconer. The Madan Family. Oxford University Press, 1933.