Edmund Waller

Standard Name: Waller, Edmund


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Sidney Countess of Sunderland
Dorothy Sidney had a number of suitors before her first marriage. Most famously, the poet Edmund Waller made her the subject of his love-poems, giving her the name Sacharissa. It is uncertain how serious...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Thomas
As a child ET was later said to have been for ever a Scribling.
Curll, Edmund et al. “The Life of Corinna. Written by Herself”. Pylades and Corinna, 1731, p. iv - lxxx.
The Life of Corinna, purporting to be written by a female friend, which prefaces the first volume of...
Intertextuality and Influence Eliza Haywood
The protagonist of Idalia bears out the author's opening pronouncement that most of people's troubles and suffering are self-caus'd,
Haywood, Eliza. Idalia. D. Browne, Jr., W. Chetwood, and S. Chapman, 1723.
rather than the title-page quotation from Waller on the hard fate of women in...
Intertextuality and Influence Lucy Hutchinson
This satirical eulogy uses the method of line-by-line contradiction of Waller 's poem in the manner used by Lady Mary Wroth in Railing Rimes Returned upon the Author about thirty years before. It skewers Cromwell
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Wiseman
Her poems, full of character and ingenuity, spring from social interchange. The title piece is a longish, narrative, occasional poem, Sent with a Pair of China Basons
Wiseman, Jane. “A Fairy Tale, Inscrib’d, to the Honourable Mrs. W— With Other Poems (1917)”. Eighteenth-Century English Labouring-Class Poets, 1700-1740, edited by William Christmas, Pickering and Chatto, 2003, pp. 34-46.
to JW 's dedicatee (who may probably...
Literary responses Katherine Philips
Pompey's many admirers included Edmund Waller , who had himself been working on a translation of the same play, and the highly talented Philo-Philippa.
Philips, Katherine. “Introduction and Textual Notes”. The Collected Works of Katherine Philips, The Matchless Orinda, Volume I: The Poems, edited by Patrick Thomas, Stump Cross Books, 1990, pp. 1-68.
Greer, Germaine et al., editors. Kissing the Rod. Virago, 1988.
The same publisher included some of KP
Author summary Dorothy Sidney Countess of Sunderland
While Dorothy, Countess of Sunderland , has been known historically as the Sacharissa of Edmund Waller 's poetry, she was also a respected and memorable letter writer. Most of her surviving letters date from her...
Publishing Regina Maria Roche
RMR 's Minerva Press novel Clermont, A Tale, a four-volume gothic with a title-page quotation from Edmund Waller , was advertised as newly published.
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols.
1: 759
Mandal, Anthony. “Revising the Radcliffean Model: Regina Maria Roches Clermont and Jane Austens Northanger AbbeyCardiff Corvey: Reading the Romantic Text, Vol.
, Sept. 1999.
Textual Features Katherine Philips
In some sense, therefore, she dictated the terms of the anthology. Its full title was The Virgin Muse: Being a Collection of Poems from our Most Celebrated English Poets, designed for the use of...
Textual Features Marguerite Gardiner Countess of Blessington
The elderly lady, Lady Arabella, represents a chilly view of the English aristocracy. She opens her story with a paean in praise of past times and in dispraise of the present: How interminably long the...
Textual Features Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Among the accompanying poems was The Picture Gallery at Penshurst, which again focuses on the portrait of a woman, Lady Dorothea Sidney, later Lady Sunderland , the Sacharissa of Edmund Waller 's love poetry...
Textual Production Anne Wharton
In their edition of AW , Germaine Greer and Selina Hastings expressed the opinion that further poems by her were likely to surface. This happened within less than a decade. A newly discovered manuscript of...
Textual Production Eliza Haywood
It is not clear whether a first edition was published and read out of existence; in any case, no known copy survives. It may be that the collection's first appearance was the one called the...
Textual Production Lucy Hutchinson
The parody To Mr Waller upon his panegirique to the Lord Protector is almost certainly by LH ; the ascription rests on Clarendon 's annotation.
Hutchinson, Lucy. “Introduction, Chronology”. Order and Disorder, edited by David Norbrook, Blackwell, 2001, p. i - lviii.
Lucretius, and Lucretius. “Introduction”. Lucy Hutchinson’s Translation of Lucretius, "De rerum natura", edited by Hugh De Quehen, translated by. Lucy Hutchinson, University of Michigan Press, 1996, pp. 1-20.
The manuscript spells Mr with a following colon....
Textual Production Margaret Fell
MF composed one of the last of her writings included in her collected works: To King William (personally delivered to the king by Susan Ingram ); the others were To Edmund Waller, and An...


25 September 1660: Samuel Pepys drank his first cup of tee (a...

Building item

25 September 1660

Samuel Pepys drank his first cup of tee [sic] (a China drink), which had been arriving in England via Holland for a few years. (Coffee had been established in England for a decade or so...


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