Selina Hastings

Standard Name: Hastings, Selina


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Rosamond Lehmann
In her final decade RL 's old friends found her difficult and demanding; but the rediscovery of her novels brought her the pleasure of young friends: publisher Carmen Callil , novelist Anita Brookner , and...
Health Rosamond Lehmann
Her doctors, however, said that her operation for cataracts had succeeded and that she was physically able to get out of bed. They described her complaints as bids for sympathy, hysterical attention-getting. Her biographer...
Literary responses Elizabeth Jane Howard
EJH says of The Light Years, as of several of her later books, that it was published to a fairly quiet reception. As the tetralogy progressed, interest in it grew; the books sold very...
Literary responses Rosamond Lehmann
Novelist Christopher Isherwood became Lehmann's friend as a result of his admiration of this book.
LeStourgeon, Diana. Rosamond Lehmann. Twayne, 1965.
Siegel, Ruth. Rosamond Lehmann: A Thirties Writer. Peter Lang, 1989.
Her biographer Selina Hastings calls it a novel almost without flaw, and undoubtedly the best of RL 's works.
Hastings, Selina. Rosamond Lehmann. Chatto and Windus, 2002.
Literary responses Rosamond Lehmann
Reviewers were pleased to see more fiction from Lehmann after nine years, and the book was popular, although not hugely applauded. Those praising it included Edwin Muir . There was much debate over the real-life...
Textual Production Sybille Bedford
The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin has acquired the bulk of SB 's papers, including the drafts, proofs, and publication material for the introductions to her reissued novels...
Textual Production Anne Wharton
Besides the anthologies mentioned by her editors Greer and Hastings , there were at least fourteen reprints during the first half of the eighteenth century of AW 's song beginning How hardly I conceal'd my tears.
qtd. in
Londry, Michael. “On the Use of First-Line Indices for Researching English Poetry of the Long Eighteenth Century, c. 1660-1830, with Special Reference to Women Poets”. The Library, Vol.
, No. 1, Mar. 2004, pp. 12-38.
Textual Production Anne Wharton
In their edition of AW , Germaine Greer and Selina Hastings expressed the opinion that further poems by her were likely to surface. This happened within less than a decade. A newly discovered manuscript of...


No timeline events available.


Hastings, Selina. “A Barbie Doll in Greeneland”.
Wharton, Anne. “Introduction”. The Surviving Works of Anne Wharton, edited by Germaine Greer and Selina Hastings, Stump Cross Books, 1997, pp. 1-124.
Hastings, Selina. Nancy Mitford: A Biography. Hamish Hamilton, 1985.
Hastings, Selina. Rosamond Lehmann. Chatto and Windus, 2002.
Wharton, Anne. The Surviving Works of Anne Wharton. Editors Greer, Germaine and Selina Hastings, Stump Cross Books, 1997, http://BLC.