Basil Dean

Standard Name: Dean, Basil


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Dodie Smith
The play was a critical success—the Times, the News Chronicle, and the Telegraph all thought it Smith's best to date, and DS agreed with them. Noël Coward wrote to her and her producer,...
Literary responses Dodie Smith
DS recalled that the play opened on Easter Monday, and the gallery, full of rowdy playgoers, laughed in the wrong places, invited Fay Compton [playing the lead] to speak up and made itself generally unpleasant...
Textual Production Dodie Smith
Autumn Crocus launched what theatre critic Ernest Short called [a] Dodie Smith boom; in only six years, DS had collected earnings of £60,000 from her plays.
Short, Ernest. Theatrical Cavalcade. Eyre and Spottiswoode.
In 1934, Autumn Crocus was made into...
Textual Production Clemence Dane
Producer Basil Dean came up with the idea, and Dane wrote the script.
Dean, Basil. The Theatre at War. George G. Harrap.
The venue was at the time a heavily-bombed area among the ruins.
Textual Production Margaret Kennedy
Kennedy co-wrote this play with producer Basil Dean . Opening night in London was a smashing success and a production in New York followed shortly afterwards, to similar acclaim.
Powell, Violet. The Constant Novelist. W. Heinemann.
The star-studded cast included Noël Coward
Textual Production Margaret Kennedy
In the years between the 1926 staging of The Constant Nymph and the appearance of Escape Me Never!, MK co-wrote with Basil Dean the play Come With Me (1934), and adapted Charles Dickens 's...


11 November 1911: The Liverpool Repertory Theatre opened after...

Building item

11 November 1911

The Liverpool Repertory Theatre opened after a successful trial season run by actor Basil Dean .

1940: Ernest Bevin and Basil Dean established the...

Building item


Ernest Bevin and Basil Dean established the Entertainments National Service Association (generally known as ENSA) to boost the morale of factory workers, allied servicemen, and civilians in underground air-raid shelters.


Kennedy, Margaret, and Basil Dean. The Constant Nymph. W. Heinemann, 1926.
Dean, Basil. The Theatre at War. George G. Harrap, 1956.